Jurassic World 3

Dinosaur Jokes

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Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPJun-23-2014 12:25 PM

Yes, I do remember what happened last time we had a joke thread. I think we can all handle it however, so I thought "Why not?" I've got a few rules, don't worry, they're easy to follow.

1: Keep it clean. No cussing, nothing sexual, and don't imply it either

2: Be friendly. Don't get angry if you don't like a joke.

Just remember, if you don't like something you see here, vacate the topic ASAP. If this topic takes a turn for the worse, I will not hesitate to lock it, and neither will Rex Fan.


Remember guys, a little joke never hurt anyone, so enjoy.


Jack of all trades. Master of none

38 Responses to Dinosaur Jokes


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-23-2014 10:19 PM

@Mr.Happy9097 I don't want to be the bad guy here, but Spinosaurus' diet was not ONLY fish. For what I know, their diet was mainly based on fish, but not RESTRICTED to it. They would hunt ,for example, some Ouranosaurus once in a while. Don't want to start an argument, just saying! ;)

Also, this thread is hilarious! Really funny pictures! Hope I can add an image later!

(Make that Ceratosaurus famous!)

"Its a Tyrannosaurus."

"I don't think so... It sounds bigger. It sounds like death; the destroyer of worlds...."

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPJun-24-2014 3:23 AM

I know just as well as the next guy Spinojira, that Spino did not eat only fish. Like I said, a little joke never hurt anyone. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-24-2014 3:29 AM

@spinojira, that's the joke...Kind of an inside one at this point for the members that have been here a while...glad you liked it though.It was intended for a laugh like it is, not for anyone to get butthurt over

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.

Rex Fan 684

CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-24-2014 5:12 AM

Here's 2 more I did...



"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPJun-24-2014 6:57 AM

Here's some:





What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?

A thesaurus



Get it?


(This isn't really a dinosaur joke, but you can't beat Raptor Logic)








Like these?






“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPJun-24-2014 7:52 AM

Haha, so that's how Spino beat Rex; Rex let him win. A genius plan that backfired.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPJun-24-2014 12:29 PM

SCI-FI KING25 - Hahaha! That "Licensed to carry small arms" one was bloody fantastic! :)


CompsognathusMember12 XPDec-14-2019 3:40 AM

One of these almost got me kicked from history class :D

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