Jurassic World 3

Jurassic World Website Foreshadowss movie scenes ?

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CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-10-2014 8:13 AM

I've noticed the "Did you know" facts and short Marketing messages on the Jurassic World viral marketing page are worded quite uniquely. I believe they are trying to give us hints at certain scenes that will appear in the movie or plot points. Examples:

- "Don't let the rain scare you off. Whatever's falling from the sky, Jurassic World raincoats will protect you". Let's take a moment to think of what else would fall from the sky on Isla Nublar other than Rain. Snow, sleet, hail on a tropical island? Probably not. But there is this an active volcano on the north side of the island. Are we going to see a volcanic eruption in JW ? Probably.

- Family fun on the Boardwalk. Roar ! That's notnot the sound of a dinosaur, it's your tiny T-rexs stomping down our world famous boardwalk". I'm going to go with, yes it is a dinosaur and yes it will be on the boardwalk.

- My personal favorite is this one, found on the page devoted to the IMAX theatre: "The sound and visual fidelity in our theare is beyond compare. If it sounds like a T-Rex breathing behind you. It just might be !". It's pretty safe to say there will be a scene involving a T-Rex in the IMAX theatre. This could work very well at adding heightened suspense given the audience will be watching this movie in a theatre. That to me just seems amazing.

Anyone else find anything else that applies here ?

5 Responses to Jurassic World Website Foreshadowss movie scenes ?


CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-10-2014 10:25 AM

I'm more curious about the volcano lol


 Childhood Nightmare

 “Absence of proof is not proof of absence.” 
― M. Crichton, The Lost World


CompsognathusMember30 XPDec-10-2014 12:12 PM

LOL Some of these are funny, My fav is the last one too!

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPDec-10-2014 1:21 PM

These are possible. I thing it eould be cool to see the volcano erupt just as the survivors escape.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-10-2014 3:24 PM



Okay, So, Acording to the book Cannon, Nublar is an UPTHRUST of Volcanic rock... The Volcano died out long long ago. It now has empty magma Chambers that Plauge the Island. 


Seeing how the Original JP Was adapted from Micheal Crichton's Book, It's safe to say they are using that origin story for the island. 


Aswell, Ingen Field Guide mentions Nothing of the Volcano, NOR IS THERE ONE ON THE MAP. (on the JW Map, Yes, On the Original Nublar map, Not at all)


So, What does this mean?


Nublar has been HEAVILY Modified For Jurassic world.


My point being the southern end of the island. It's been modified to be more of a bay, Allowing ships and Choppers to land. 


Its purely possible that the Volcano, Isn't a Volcano and is apart of the Mountains surrounding the coast of Nublar. 


There's also a Chance that this isn't a real mountain, And has been added in the map, Or has been Landscaped to exercise a Point that this is a prehistoric island. 

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-11-2014 10:36 AM

I just feel like the line about rain coats..coupled with the picture of the volcano on the Park Map seem to indicate there will be a volcanic eruption. What a better way to end the movie than for nature to re-claim the island.

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