Jurassic World 3

Jurassic World Extra Interview!

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JP Carnotaur

CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-15-2014 6:13 PM

Hello everyone!


As you know I was trying to get some JW information from an extra when I got around to thinking maybe I should interview an extra. So I did!

I asked her a series of questions many of which she couldn't answer. Though I asked her if she met any of the main cast and crew. She said she met Chris Pratt and he was hillarious, Bryce was sweet, and the little Ty was so adorable. She also said they let her keep the JW band. It's not much of an interview but it's something.


Also Ive spoken more to the leaker. He has a YouTube channel Jurassic World if you want to check out his videos and he post all the leaks hea heard I also asked him a bunch of questions. I was really concerned how the deaths would be and sadly he said that their is a large possibility that children will be killed. You will also see the deaths, but not anybody getting ripped apart. 


Again the "Arlix" will supposedly be revealed at the end of the film. It will live in the restricted area part and luckily the gorilla is only for strenght, not fur or any other ridiculous stuff. The movie will end with it smashing through the innovation center.


So stay tinned for more info again take this with a grain of salt, but you never know. 

The giant gate that read Jurassic Park was ruined. The gates where torn off and their where pieces of them all over the ground. Muldoon saw herbivore foot prints maybe Parasaurs or the Trike herd W

6 Responses to Jurassic World Extra Interview!

noah eckeckenrode

CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-15-2014 6:57 PM

I'm not so convinced. Some of this seems too "out there" to be true.

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPDec-15-2014 7:22 PM

JP CARNOTAUR - This is a very...interesting...concept! I'll reserve my full analysis until after we've seen the film. Until then, however, thank you so much for sharing this information with us! :)


CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-15-2014 7:25 PM

Gotta side with Noah on this one.



I'm starting to doubt this source more and more.




Arlix has no possibility of Existing, Because it's too Specific with it's genetics. I mean, Today, We can't achieve that. Fifty years from now, Still, Won't be able to do it.


"But that makes D-rex fake too"


On the Contrary. D-Rex is more of a Compile of these Genetics, That just so happened to fall into it's specifics. Like, No one knows what the cuttle fish Gene is for, It's assumed Camofauge, But nothing in the Trailer suggests this. 



Arlix... Is just way too Specific to the Point on what it's all for.


Gorrila for Strength, Human for Intelligence, Raptor for Stealth, Rex for Size.


It's just too to the point.





There's a known Tradition of Mis-feeding Extras Information on Purpose to ensure Silence of the Films production. 


There's a chance this "Extra" has been fed an Alternative, fake ending to Stop the major leaks to the films plot and such. 



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-15-2014 7:33 PM^ paden you're far too much leaning on this “Impossible” concept. we cannot clone dinosaurs with the technology available today -- this rex dna, while yes they founf some, was far too degraded to use in any cloning. hell we already HAVE dinosaurs amongst us today (avian-variety)Horner's "chickenosaurus rex" made from chicken embryos, is, again, still a dinosaur to begin with. i too have my doubts about this supposed extra, but calling this 'arlix' impossible when the franchise is built on such premises, is quite the stretch.

Nature doesn't deceive us; it is we who deceive ourselves.


CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-15-2014 7:57 PM



We've got the Technology for Genetics today. We've cloned sheep and Horses. With the right funding, We can jump over these Limitations.


Thats why a "Rich backer" Scenario to this is what has made it the Believable concept.


We don't fund enough into it, That's the Limitation today. If we Funded about 100x more what we already do, We'd be able to Perhaps make DNA from Scratch. 


We've got the Ability, Just not the Motivation. It is possible. It might be Sci-Fi, But to some, It's something more. (I mean, Look at the Walking dead. That's Litterally impossible, But I see Millions of People going to the Gun store to Ready themselves for the apocalypse.) 


We're Limited, By only our Imagination. 



Lemme tell you a story. 


Once upon a time, The Soviet union Looked to the stars, And began researching hard. America caught news of this and decided they had to beet the USSR. They had to make it to the moon first.


A couple years behind of the Soviets, They managed to surpass them and get to the moon before them. Americas only drive behind it was litterally in spite of the USSR's program.


They acheived this, By funding. 



We can do it. Jurassic park has always been on the more real side of Sci-Fi. 


It is acheivable. 

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Lord of the Spinosaurs

CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-15-2014 8:04 PMThe space race should have never happened, it was something childish and stupid. The whole point was to beat the USSR, not to actually research space. If we want to conquer the world of science quicker we need to work together regardless if our nationalities. That was not directed at you Paden, I just felt like this was a good place to express my feelings of that act.


There is no such thing as a pure predator. A meat-eater is eit

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