Jurassic World 3

Gentle Giants Petting Zoo pic

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14 Responses to Gentle Giants Petting Zoo pic

Tyrant king

CompsognathusMember0 XPFeb-06-2015 12:54 PM

Interestin.. I hope this dosent get locked.

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPFeb-06-2015 1:21 PM

NOAH ECKECKENRODE - How very neat! That baby triceratops is too CUTE! Thank you so much for finding and sharing this with us! :)


CompsognathusMember0 XPFeb-06-2015 1:35 PM

Nice Find! 


CompsognathusMember0 XPFeb-06-2015 2:15 PM


She is like so totally breaking the rules guys.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPFeb-06-2015 5:12 PM



Still, a baby Triceratops is nice.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPFeb-06-2015 7:07 PM

Rules were made to be broken.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


CompsognathusMember0 XPFeb-06-2015 7:21 PM

But lord Vader sir, We also have rules that should never be broken. Like how we can't mess with that one port on your death star or we will blow the entire thing up. Wait, was that supposed to be classified? Oops.

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


CompsognathusMember0 XPFeb-06-2015 7:27 PM

Face it guys, that girl is more of a badass than us.


When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Tell life I don't want you're damn lemons, and then squeeze them into life's eyes!

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPFeb-06-2015 7:33 PM

You want badass? I'll give you badass. Just give me a minute.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPFeb-06-2015 7:37 PM

Now, as I was saying. You want badass? I'll show you badass!



Now, Silver, are you asking to find out the range of a force choke?

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPFeb-06-2015 7:41 PM

Wait, no hands in the paddock? But it's called the "Gentle Giants Petting Zoo". You kinda need to stick your hands in there to pet the animals. It's a petting zoo, not a regular zoo. How are you supposed to pet them? Put your ass between the bars and hope for the best?

Jack of all trades. Master of none


CompsognathusMember0 XPFeb-07-2015 12:18 PM

I think this is fake due to the original pic not having the triceratops there. And that there is an exact same pic of her on the website.


CompsognathusMember0 XPFeb-07-2015 12:18 PM

double post


CompsognathusMember0 XPFeb-07-2015 1:43 PM

But the info says : you can pet them! ¬¬  (guys who would please pleaseee push to Noah to post an image and link in the propper way OR to reply to the staff  the PMwe already sent to him. so we dont need to close all his future  threads??? thannnkkks!!! )

The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you

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