Jurassic World 3

Five Nights at Jurassic World: Part 3

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Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPMar-09-2015 2:43 PM

     The Dilophosaurus, standing on Mike’s desk, cocked its head at him. In a blind panic, Mike shined hid light in every direction. However, the Dilophosaurus just hissed at him. Preparing to spit its poison, the Dilophosaurus pulled its head back. Mike pulled up his monitor and squeezed his eyes shut. When he pulled the monitor down and opened his eyes, nothing was there. Sighing in relief, Mike checked for the raptors. He checked the hall, and Echo was running down it.


     Immediately shutting the door, Mike heard crashing. Finally, there was silence. The lights flickered on and off a bit, but eventually, they stopped. Checking for the rest of them, Mike closed the other door. After finding all of them except Delta, he opened both doors, assuming Delta was in the meat locker, which didn’t have any working cameras. However, Delta immediately popped her head into the room and snarled. Screaming, Mike shined his flashlight directly into her eyes. The raptor ran off, screeching. Checking his watch, Mike heard loud hissing and snarling. Checking all the cameras, he couldn’t find Blue. Looking a bit closer, he noticed her head at the edge of the room next to the raptor pens. After he heard Charlie’s snarling, Mike tried to shut the right door, but it was disabled.


     Screaming in panic as Charlie slowly entered the room. Mike shined the flashlight in his eyes and began to kick the raptor away. However, Charlie walked to the front of the room and jumped at Mike. The security guard shoved his flashlight into Charlie’s gaping mouth, and the raptor spit it out before running off. Using the audio, Mike herded all of the raptors back to the raptor pens. He would have to wait out the night.


     After what seemed like forever, Omar’s whistle signaled the end of Mike’s shift. Only two more nights… Mike thought. After visiting the park, Mike was ready for his next shift.


     Taking a sip from his coffee, Mike listened for the next call:


     “Hey. Night Four! Congratulations… How’d you do against the wild dinosaurs? Heh… Listen, I can’t talk for very long. It’s Blue… She comes out later in the week if you’re still alive. *hiss* AH! *slam!* Sorry about that… Now listen, she can enter your office in more way than one- *craaaash!* They’re here… *Snarl* AHH!!!”


     Mike immediately shut both doors.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

2 Responses to Five Nights at Jurassic World: Part 3

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPMar-10-2015 7:04 AM

SCI-FI KING25 - Hahaha! This poor fellow is having the roughest time! I feel exceptionally sorry for him as he is likely about to face ever more horrific encounters! Thank you for taking the time to share this with us! :)

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPMar-10-2015 1:58 PM

^Thanks! Just wait until Night 5. :)

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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