Jurassic World 3

Invisible Fence Technology

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Peter Zanetti

CompsognathusMember4 XPMar-17-2015 7:36 AM

On the Jurassic World website, the Gyrosphere page includes a very exciting and mysterious reference to "invisible fence technology" that is in use on the plains. Vaguely, it keeps the dinosaurs located in defined zones. It also allows the Gyrosphere to maintain safe distance automatically.

One has to wonder what this is, how it works, and to what extent is it used across the park?

I can infer the following, with a bit of speculation thrown in:

Each dinosaur is tagged or more likely chipped, allowing GPS tracking of each animal down to the inch. There is also EMF cast between hidden beacons that essentially creates the map of a particular dinosaur's zone. Linked to some function of each dinosaur's tag/chip, if one attempts to pass through the invisible barrier, it is "encouraged" in some way to stay within its zone. The EMF could be strong, so it feels like an uncomfortable force pushing back against any tagged/chipped animal trying to pass through the invisible barrier.

The Gyrosphere vehicles are also linked to these barriers and are fully aware of them, their borders, and the paths around them.

In theory, it sounds like a plausible way to keep relatively docile herbivores coralled in designated areas.

Do they use something similar along Creataceous Cruise to keep Suchomimus, Baryonx, Metriacanthosaurus, and who knows what else away from the kayaks? This, to me, is one of the most brilliant innovations at Jurassic World that has yet to be fully explained.

7 Responses to Invisible Fence Technology

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPMar-17-2015 1:03 PM

PETER ZANETTI - What a very compelling series of data you have presented! Hmm, I can certainly see why you have drawn the conclusions you placed within the body of your topic, and the suppositions you have made using the available information as a foundation stand to reason quite well! I happen to agree with your ending assessment: the "Invisible Fence" technology utilized by Jurassic World as a measure to contain its animals is  quite fantastic! Of course, were I to be onboard one of those cruises and a Suchomimus burst forth from the treeline with no visible barriers, I would likely ruin one of my favorite skirts! Regardless, thank you ever so much for presenting this very thought provoking topic! :)

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPMar-17-2015 1:39 PM

The Gyrosphere will most likely have invisible fences, but they're disabled somewhere in the movie, as we see multiple Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Triceratops running together, as seen here-

Jurassic World Super Bowl Trailer Screenshots


However, the Cretceous Cruise may or may not have these.

Notice the Apatosaurus and Stegosaurus aren't together, and all the dinosaurs are on the left side. However, on Instagram I saw a saftey poster saying not to exit the kayaks, with an Apatosaurus foot above someone standing on their kayak.


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPMar-17-2015 2:11 PM

SCI-FI KING25 - How very interesting! Perhaps it is as PETER ZANETTI has speculated: each animal has been surgically fitted with a processor of some kind that prevents them from passing certain points. However, I suppose a human could walk through the "fence" field without feeling its presence. Food for thought, nevertheless! :)


CompsognathusMember1 XPMar-17-2015 11:08 PM

i was kinda thinking it function sorta like the avoidance beacons in jpog but yea i can see what you mean lol



CompsognathusMember1 XPMar-17-2015 11:08 PM

i was kinda thinking it function sorta like the avoidance beacons in jpog but yea i can see what you mean lol


Peter Zanetti

CompsognathusMember4 XPMar-18-2015 6:03 AM

DUSTYALASKA - I likewise envision something akin to the "avoidance beacons" and "auto lure" from JPOG, but in reality I think the dinosaurs themselves would need to be chipped to guarantee better results.

SCI-Fi KING 25 - As you state, it is not a perfect science. Clearly its used to corall relatively docile animals...but its nothing that is going to stop a stampede of animals running for their lives.


CompsognathusMember0 XPMar-20-2015 2:22 PM

Guys, invisible fence technology exists in real life. This isn't some groundbreaking scientific feat, at least not for a while now. Here's a wikipedia page on the subject:


And here's the website of a company that you can get one from:


Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#

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