Jurassic World 3

They're Communicating Theory

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King Of The Monsters

CompsognathusMember31 XPApr-20-2015 11:56 AM

By now most of you have seen the new Jurassic World trailer and most of the comments are peoples thoughts on the Indominus Rex being able to communicate with the other dinosaurs, and although i must admit the trailer makes it seem as if the Indominus is commanding the Pteradons I think this is not true. The things communicating are actualy the Velociraptors... And this is why we see a man getting munched on inside an ambulance.

Im thinking its is a Raptor ressistance in some way... and most of the once tamed raptors turn on there owners because they understand that going up against the Indominus is sending them to there deaths. However the actual  Chris Pratts Raptor Squad (Blue,Delta, Echo etc) still stay loyal to him becuase he built trust between them. and Omar's Raptors turn because he maybe trains them in a more disciplinary way... Indominus is only scaring the Pteradons into flight so they can attacks the helecopter which is shooting at him.


Thats how I see it anyway. also the trailer was damn awesome and probably the best. (Mosasaur ftw). What are your thoughts on this theory of mine? Please let me know in the comments below.

18 Responses to They're Communicating Theory


BrachiosaurusMember1077 XPApr-20-2015 12:03 PM

Actually, Omar doesn't have Raptors he is kinda like the caretaker per say. OK say you have a garden, and you own it, you choose the plants, where you put the plants. But because your busy, you have to hire a gardener. Now you tell the gardener how much water he must put, or where to put what. In this case the Garden is the Raptors, Owen is the owner, and Omar is the gardener. It's not like Omar or Owen are more than eachother, the Raptors trust them equally.

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."

King Of The Monsters

CompsognathusMember31 XPApr-20-2015 12:46 PM


Fair enough, but we have yet to see Omar around the velociraptors and I doubt that there are only four raptors. So maybe they do not trust him as much as Chris because of him not having much contact with them.. I guess we have to wait til June.

King Of The Monsters

CompsognathusMember31 XPApr-20-2015 12:46 PM


Fair enough, but we have yet to see Omar around the velociraptors and I doubt that there are only four raptors. So maybe they do not trust him as much as Chris because of him not having much contact with them.. I guess we have to wait til June.


CompsognathusMember2 XPApr-20-2015 1:47 PM

It does seem in the trailer that the raptors turn against Owen and the others, and it's almost obvious that if that happens, then it happens after the "they're communicating" scene, but I don't think that the raptor communicate with the I-Rex there.

It could be the case, but if I remember correctly, there were infos of how the dinosaurs can feel the I-Rex is not one of them and vice versa, how the park's dinosaurs and the I-Rex are some kind of "born enemies"... If this is true, it's highly unlikely, that the raptors start to communicate and collaborate with the I-Rex.

What I think is the case, is that they're in the Restricted Area, and they run into some wild raptors there. They may manage to hide and they let their raptor squad deal with the wild pack, but it backfires, Owen's raptors join their natural family, and thus start to attack those humans, even Owen.

Of course we'll see in June, but what do you think of this theory?


CompsognathusMember0 XPApr-20-2015 2:08 PM

When Barry says "Something is wrong. They are communicating." I think he mean the Raptor Squad is communicating to each other. If the are facing the I-Rex, she will be camouflaging herself (Yes, I. Rex can camouflage herself. It was confirmed with the Hasbro toy). I think they can smell her, but they can't see her, so they talking so they can try and find the I. Rex.

If the cuttlefush rumors, are true than that can explain the Raptors joining the I. Rex (I myself doubt this, but you never know). You see cuttlefish, have this ability to "hypnotise" their prey by making their skin flash colors. The I. Rex could have a more advanced version of this "hypnosis" and uses it to make the Raptors change sides (She is smart enough to dig out a tracking chip, to scare the pteranodons, and she probably makes an escape plan, so who knows, she might be smart enough to do this).

But who knows, maybe the Raptor Squad turns on the humans, just because they are wild animals. I guess we'll find out in the movie.

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway.


TriceratopsMember202 XPApr-20-2015 4:30 PM

I'm siding with Gojira2k on this, the raptor squad probably would not start communicating with I.rex.  More than this sense that I.rex isn't one of the real "dinosaurs" just like that (what a way to parallel elementary school-yard hierarchy), I bet they can sense that I.rex is an enemy just from knowing her actions.  They could probably tell that she killed at least 5 Apatosaurus, many workmen, smashed a 40-foot tall gate and terrorized the pterosaurs from scent, hearing, even the sight of blood on her hide/claws.

My problem with Profden's theory is that, usually, when captive animals are released into the wild and encounter wild members of their own kind, the wild individuals either shun or attack the newly-feralized individuals as a test of strength/intelligence, etc.  Captive animals simply don't have to ability to survive in the wild among their own kind because they weren't raised wild.

Peter Zanetti

CompsognathusMember4 XPApr-21-2015 6:29 AM

"Something's wrong...they're communicating."

Those lines may not necessarily be the same line. But they are strung together here purposefully to create a context.

Omar isn't going to be suprised by Velociraptors communicating with one another. "Something's wrong" makes it seem like what the humans intended to happen is not what's happening.

We assume the Velociraptors are let out in an attempt to find/attack the Indominus rex. We see the humans bunker down a safe distance away from whatever is happening. Clearly they followed the Velociraptors until they "found something" and then stopped, so as not to get too close to the action.

With all of this as our context, the safest assumption is that the I. rex and Velociraptors do indeed begin communicating, and then turn on the humans as a group.

They chase the humans back the way they came (which is why we a raptor attacking a human near the raptor enclosure).

I hope there is a moment where they are congregrate inside a building after all of this, completely at a loss for what to do, and someone (maybe Lowery) says jokingly, "Well, you could always let the Rex out." And Owen and Claire look at each other and decide...that might actually work.

G. H. (Gman)

Tyrannosaurus RexAdmin5424 XPApr-21-2015 3:12 PM

There's a lot of stuff in that trailer that seem to be cut out of context-- Like a lot of trailers. I don't think they're strictly saying the I-Rex is communicating with other species. Looked like he just scared the Pteranodon.

Otherwise, that'd just be another big leap this franchise is taking to seperate it from the original film. Not that it's a bad thing, but Jurassic World is looking less like a Jurassic Park movie and more like a monster movie. They're taking a lot of liberties in concepts with this one that I don't think would have been taken seriously in the original film.

That being said, it's part of the fun so far. Whether or not this movie uses the fun to its advantage and tries not to take itself too seriously has yet to be seen.

And my God, they're really hiding the T-Rex from us. One wonders if it's an ad ploy or if the ole' girl will actually appear.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPApr-21-2015 5:46 PM

Actually, the Rex does appear briefly in the trailer. The shot after the goat when Claire says "Every time we unvail a new attraction, visitor numbers spike", we get a shot behind some people watching and we see the upper jaw and part of the back, as well as hear a growl. It was Rexy without a doubt. Just under a second, but we see the girl. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPApr-21-2015 6:57 PM

GMAN2887 - Indeed! I am on pins and needles to see how they will protray Rexy in the film!

LORD VADER - You are back! I have missed your presence a great deal! I can not utilize the force with the same exceptional mastery as you, thus I was not able to detect your presence upon stepping into this forum! I am exceptionally pleased to see you again; my elation is palpable! :)


CompsognathusMember0 XPApr-22-2015 6:55 AM

I was also thinking it was the Raptors. 


I'm not exactly sure what's rumored and what's confirmed but I've heard that the old Jurassic Park is sealed off and somehow some raptors are on the outside and have reproduced so basically there's some Raptors outside of the Park so it could be those, idk that's something I've heard. 


Can't wait to see what happens! :)



CompsognathusMember0 XPApr-22-2015 3:33 PM

The Pteradons are hybrids as well. Thats why they can communicate. Thinking they might have used the same filler animal in both the Pteradons and I-Rex. The new game shows hybird Pteradons thats where I am getting this theory from...

Peter Zanetti

CompsognathusMember4 XPApr-22-2015 4:52 PM

Some of you are way over thinking it. 

You see Indominus roar at Pteranodons who looked scared to death, and you conclude "oh they must talking"......?!?

This film is not wildly crazy or edgy. It's a sensible JP film made by someone who understands what a JP film should be.

Don't read too much into "They're communicating". It makes sense, and will be totally believable within the context of the film. 

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPApr-22-2015 5:12 PM

Well, regarding the communication, among Raptors, for sure they can communicate. As for I-Rex and the Pterosaurs, I-Rex roars, Pterosaurs get scared, fly through hole created by helicopter and see people has potential meals. It's not I-Rex telling them go and kill people. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


CompsognathusMember0 XPApr-23-2015 1:16 AM

Is there a chance that the batch of raptor eggs from the visitor centre in the first film survive and the offspring remain in the restricted area? The "trained" raptors could possibly come into contact, making communication between them more likely than between a different dinosaur species. If the Rex could survive from the first film, it's highly possible that raptors could as well

Peter Zanetti

CompsognathusMember4 XPApr-23-2015 6:17 AM

HIMYNAMEISJAMES - It has been widely discussed that the very existence of a Restricted area (the entire north hemisphere of the island) is due to the proliferation of wild velociraptors. There have also been hints that dilophosaurus still roam free there as well.

Undoubtedly the answer is yes. Whether we will see those wild velociraptors interact with Pratt's raptor pack...remains to be seen. It would certainly be cool though. It would also be far more believable if it were JW & JP raptors communicating with each other...as opposed to Indominus and JW Raptors.


CompsognathusMember0 XPApr-26-2015 12:20 PM

The raptors are trained to take down rogue dinosaurs, right? If they are communicating, the rogue dinosaur can hear them. And so, the raptors would only communicate if they really don't know what the nublar is going on, meaning that the trainers would see it as a bad sign. Or they are just hoping the I-rex forgot how to hear raptors... right???


CompsognathusMember0 XPMay-19-2015 3:59 AM

actually to answer the T rex question if she'll appear or not i think she will because in the trailer that actually shows all of I Rex and we see the woman running away with something big following her i know it's the T rex because if you notice the color on the dinosaur is brown which the T rex is and I rex is white also another think T rex legs are larger and the I rex's skinner  so i'm really preparing for a show down between the two which will win nature or a abomination

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