Jurassic World 3

Problems with the spoilers

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CompsognathusMember0 XPApr-29-2015 7:02 AM

I think that after reading and seeing all those spoilers for the film, it has kinda ruined the suprise. I'm sure some of you would agree that before we knew all of the details, it was better. Not knowing meant we could speculate about ANYTHING, but now we can only speculate on 2 or 3 things. We know 65% of the main plot because we've been paying too much attention. I know for a fact, that if the film came out without these spoilers, the excitement would be tripled. What I'm trying to say is, there shouldn't have been too many spoilers. Who agrees with me. 

6 Responses to Problems with the spoilers


CompsognathusMember0 XPApr-29-2015 7:37 AM

I totally agree with you. I didn't read so much of it because i heard it was spoilerish.


CompsognathusMember1 XPApr-29-2015 9:32 AM

you could just not read the article or just stay off the website period untill you've seen the movie, no ones forcing you or anything.... just my 2 cents....


CompsognathusMember0 XPApr-29-2015 11:58 AM

@JurassicWorld what you consider to be spoilers I consider to be too vague, and all they have done is hype me even more for this movie. Just because we now know certain settings does not mean we know what scenes will take place in these settings. These "spoilers" raise more questions than answers for me such as what's going to happen in the old visitors center, what's going to happen in Dr. Wu's lab, and why are they tracking wild dinosaurs instead of killing or containing them.

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPApr-29-2015 2:16 PM

JURASSICWORLD - I certainly understand and respect your point of view! In my opinion, the spoilers have been fairly balanced; not too much revealed and not too much held back. Of course, some of the surprises will not have have as much weight now that I know what to expect. However, I have a feeling there are a few more revelations awaiting us! Keep your chin up! :)


CompsognathusMember0 XPApr-29-2015 3:28 PM



There was a great amount of Spoliers being Released earlier in production, Until Colin personally published an article on how it was ruining the film.


But there's nothing we can do to stop them. For they'd get out anyways. Most of the Extras are under contract not to reveal details, There's some who mis-told details as to protect the exact storyline. 


The flaw was brining in so many Extras. Unlike actors, they're unpredictable, and they can't be completely held to their contract. 



Heres the thing. Yes a lot of the film is known, But nothing Petraining to the actual plot has been revealed. We know very little, For how much we know. We know things somehow get screwed up, We know who the antagonist is... But we know so less outside of that knowledge. 


It's the 21st century. A lot of what's been leaked is much less than what it could've been. 


@DustyAlaska Has a fabulous point.


Why not, Just stop reading articles on it? Can't have anything spoiled if you didn't read anything spoiling?



Don't worry, It could've been worse. 



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPApr-29-2015 4:00 PM

^Agreed. We could've had the final battle spoiled. Still, I'll avoid all MAJOR spoilers. The rest just raises hype, like Vincent D'Onforio being the bad guy and Dr. Wu's secret lab.


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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