Jurassic World 3

Rexy v. Indominus Rex (WIP)

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CompsognathusMember2 XPMay-06-2015 8:42 PM

(I have been up late at night working on this, so it's not very complete. I'll finish it tomorrow, eventually.)

 Starring: Carcharodontosaurus as the Indominus Rex


JPOG T-Rex as Rexy (Texture to be fixed, lol.)


Owen, Zach, and Gray were being ambushed by the Indominus Rex, who hid near the old visitor center of the Restricted Area. Meanwhile, Claire was rushing for the group as she carried a flar that attracted a creature willing enough to kill the I-Rex; Rexy. Claire nears the scene before tripping to the ground. She quickly throws the flare toward the I-Rex and Rexy is drawn in. to the scene. She yells to the others, "Run!"


Rexy glances up from the sight of the flare to see a potentail threat to her. She roars at it to grab its attention. The I-Rex turns to Rexy and snarls in anger. Rexy slowly approaches, looking to intimidate the I-Rex before getting a long roar to her ears by it. She shakes her head and gives a stronger roar back, not looking to back down. The two therapods then clashed with one another.


The two bump into one another, giving the I-Rex a chance for a bite at Rexy's neck. She shakes violently, trying to make it let go. This act of evasion angers the I-Rex. It puts all of its weight into its legs and manages to throw the rex into the building. Rexy crashes through the wall and stumbles into a familiar setting she had not seen in many years. The I-Rex stomps in and bellows at Rexy. She roars back as she attempts to regain her footing.


The I-Rex takes advantage of her fall and gives Rexy another bite. Rexy manages to get to her feet, but is overwhelmed in massive pain as the I-Rex gives her a strong bite to her neck. Blood gushed to the floor as Rexy tries desperately to make it release her. then, she manages to push the I-Rex back and roar at it before getting a claw to her left eye, taking out half of her vison. Rexy groans with excrusiating pain in her eye.


The I-Rex knocks down Rexy to the ground, giving herself away to her death. "She's not going to make it..." Claire worries. Owen quickly takes action and shoots at the I-Rex. Its attention turns to own as it quickly lunges to him, trying hard to grab him. Owen qickly crawls away from the grasp of the I-Rex till it screams in pain.


Rexy has managed to recover and pulls the I-Rex back toward her. It tries to escape her grasp before slipping to the ground. Rexy then takes the time to dismember the I-Rex of its arms, ripping and tearing them clean off from their user. The I-Rex roars out in pain as Rexy prepares to finish it off.


She goes for the neck, stepping on its body as she twists the neck of the I-Rex till she could her a loud snap. The cries of pain from the I-Rex stop, only gurgles of blood are heard.


She releases her grip of the I-Rex as watches it fall as the hybrid chokes and drowns in its own blood. Soon enough, Rexy had won the battle.


She takes a step on her dead opponent and gives out her mighty roar, letting her and anyone else on Nublar that it is her kingdom to rule. She then proceeds out of the building, limping and bleeding.


The sun has finally rose from the long night as Rexy emerges into the morning. She stopped and took a look at the scenery. She felt a familiar feeling she had 22 years ago. She's free of her prison and killed her challenger. She felt at home again.


She felt too weak and drops to the ground. Owen and Claire, move around the rex, awaiting for the incoming chopper to pick them up. Owen stops and looks to the dying Rexy as the others watched him.


He approached her slowly and kneeled down next to her massive head. He notices Rexy look at him with her big, yellow eye, barely open. He takes the risk of softly petting her snout and looks at her. " You fought well today..." Owen said to Rexy. She remains silent before giving a sigh, slightly nudging Owens hand before succumbing to her wounds. Owen leaves the fallen rex and leaves the island with the Claire and the kids.


(No Carcharodontsaur and Tyrannosaur were harmed in the making of this story.)

2 Responses to Rexy v. Indominus Rex (WIP)


CompsognathusMember0 XPMay-07-2015 3:32 PM

Well, I don't know what to tell you for Gary's mod.


But I do know this Forum hosts a lot of Veteran Writiers. Many incredibly good. My solution is more so in the Writing itself, rather then the visual stimulation. If there's good enough writing, the readers can imagine it on their own. 


Or, Alternatively, use the models in GM you have and let the readers fill in the rest with their imagination. 


But, This forum will read about anything if it's good enough, so you should have some interest either way. 


Sorry I couldn't be of more help, GM Isn't really my field of expertise. 



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPMay-07-2015 6:38 PM

Rexy vs I-Rex? Interesting. Have at her, I'll be reading, and most know who I'll be rooting for. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none

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