Jurassic World 3

Introducing Myself + Suchomimus Discussion

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King Of The Monsters

CompsognathusMember31 XPMay-12-2015 1:03 PM

So coming close to my yearly anniversary on scified, I realized I had never introduced myself to all of you and what content I make... So i guess ill start now.

I'm Skolas (at present time of writing this) and I have a horrible issue of constantly changing my username and profile picture (I used to be called kingofmonsters, mosasaurus, mythoclast etc etc... So ill try to stick to Skolas... I started off in the Godzilla forums and soon made my way to Jurassic world when trailers started popping up. Most of the discussions I make are posted with long dates in between them, even though I go on specified daily, something I hope to fix... 

Anyway enough about me lets talk about Suchomimus! Sushi is one of the dinosaurs that we will most likely see in the cretaceous cruise or even the T.red kingdom... The reason I say this is because Collin is constantly talking about how ready is a neglected and old dinosaur in the modern day. My thoughts is that we will see sucho possibly bully the red in a way by fighting her and taking the goat for himself, while she is feeding. I think this will make the moment even sweeter when Rexy manages to bring down the indominus... 

What do you guys think? 


3 Responses to Introducing Myself + Suchomimus Discussion


CompsognathusMember2 XPMay-12-2015 1:18 PM

Rexy has her enclosure to herself. If anyone were to place another dinosaur with Rexy, she'd slaughter them for food and territorial reasons.

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPMay-12-2015 1:39 PM

Suchomimus resides in the Cretaceous Cruise.


Hopefully we'll see it in the film, and I've heard rumors of getting a novel-like scene of the Suchomimus attacking a kayak like Rexy attacked the raft.


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


CompsognathusMember0 XPMay-12-2015 3:25 PM

Welcome to this side of Scified!


We do have a welcome thread if you'd care to comment there.




I'd be interested to even see how they planned out the River cruise. Y'know... with them avoiding Practical effects and all for a majority of the shots.


Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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