Jurassic World 3

What Were Your Thoughts On The Jurassic World Marketing?

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King Of The Monsters

CompsognathusMember31 XPJun-01-2015 2:21 PM

So as Jurassic World begins to close its marketing curtains I thought to myself it's been a Damn good ride, however I wanted to know what you guys thought of it. Personally I think it was executed very well by not showing too much but still keeping you exited, but probably not as well as Godzilla....

5 Responses to What Were Your Thoughts On The Jurassic World Marketing?


TriceratopsMember202 XPJun-01-2015 4:02 PM

I think they did a good job with it, but not in the way I initially expected.  I figured that when they started their marketing campaign, they'd keep Indominus Rex mostly secret and show Rexy first because I.rex is so new and terrifying.  But the fact that they did the opposite (while still leaving some parts out about I.rex) means that there's somethign really big that's going to happen in JW b/w the two that we can't even imagine right now.


AllosaurusMember3687 XPJun-01-2015 7:07 PM

What AlphaDino said. Though if I am correct, I-Rex was originally planned to be kept a secret but it got leaked so Trevorrow decided it was okay to market upon it.


I went to Target today and it was excellent how they were marketing the movies.



CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-01-2015 7:24 PM

I think it was good, It wasn't like some films where it's LITTERALLY ADVERTISED EVERYWHERE, and becomes a nusscaince, but is advertised enough that you remember its coming out.


Plus, they've got a huge variety of TV spots which, Takes a lot of TV hours of watching to see the same one twice. 


I haven't seen any of the physical marketing yet. But, I do very much love how they've Included a Magnatude of Companies for outside advertising,


Example, The Dairy Queen JW commerical, Litterally, It just came on while I was typing this. 


This outsourcing and Sponsoring Is quite good If you ask me. 


Its sad to see it wrap up, But, Hey, We've got another sequel down the road, Plus some lesser advertising over the next few weeks. 

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


CompsognathusMember1 XPJun-01-2015 11:43 PM

i found the DQ one to be funny at the end lol

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPJun-02-2015 12:53 PM

A bit challenging keeping up with the TV spots, but I like the idea of keeping Rexy a secret.


I was really disappointed with the toys, but otherwise the merchandise was pretty good.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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