Jurassic World 3

Is anyone else devastated that there won't be a T Rex / Spino rematch in JW??

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Rex Revenge

CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-09-2015 3:56 AM

Seriously, for 14 long years millions of JP fans have been hoping for the rematch in wich the T Rex gets revenge by killing a Spinosaurus.

I just can't believe how the production could ignore that petition that has been going on for14 long years...

And don't tell me the "T Rex will have it's redemption by smashing a Spino skeleton and defeating the I Rex" because that only makes the problem worse. That will allow everyone to say "Yeah, T Rex could defeat I Rex but not Spino so Spino  still the top dog"

The best way to solve this prolem was to have a direct rematch, and thus correcting that infamous scene that ruined a lot of peoples childhood.

26 Responses to Is anyone else devastated that there won't be a T Rex / Spino rematch in JW??

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPJun-09-2015 8:02 AM

If anything, I'm happy there won't be a rematch. We don't need more fighting. RvS is starting to die down now.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


CompsognathusMember75 XPJun-09-2015 10:57 AM

No, we don't need that fight.


If T-rex knocks down the Spinosaurus skeleton, I think that's redemption enough. It's a clever little moment; both being physically cool and also symbolic.


Another T-rex vs. Spinosaurus fight would just be repetitive to the franchise.

King Of The Monsters

CompsognathusMember31 XPJun-09-2015 11:06 AM

Honestly I'm glad they didn't do it, it would just cause outrage from spino fans and the battle will start again. I can see Indominus killing/wounding a Suchomimus which was a relative to spino, so when ready beats I rex it will be a redemption...



CompsognathusMember2 XPJun-09-2015 11:22 AM

^ Other than the redemption part (T-Rex doesn't need redemption), he's totally correct.

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPJun-09-2015 12:39 PM

REX REVENGE - Welcome to SCIFIED! It is always agreeable to see new faces! As for your statements: I do not believe the T-rex requires redemption, for there is nothing to prove. The Tyrannosaurus Rex will always be the number one dinosaur throughout the world, no matter what; it is an animal that has been with us since the early days of dinosaur discovery and, thus, possesses a special place in our hearts and imaginations. The best thing that can be done now is to allow the years of strife between Jurassic Park fans to die down and finally cease. Nothing will be gained from rekindling the harsh feeling produced by Jurassic Park 3. I know this might not be what you would prefer to hear, but would you not prefer peace over constant and inflammatory discourse over something as silly as a pair of CGI dinosaurs chewing on one-another? Regardless, I would like to once again welcome you to SCIFIED! :)


CompsognathusMember2 XPJun-09-2015 3:59 PM

No, because why have another why you have the first T-Res you've ever seen the franchise fight a hybrid?


CompsognathusMember8 XPJun-09-2015 6:23 PM

Im with the guys who think T-rex doesnt really need redeeming but if Rex redemption really is in the movie, i would totally support T-rex knocking Spino skele down rather than an actual rematch, heres why:


1. Spino and Rex rematch will be very repetitive and would make the movie more like a fan service for the Rex fans.

2. T-rex knocking the spino skele is a cleverer way to settle things between the two, a simple thought opener to promote discussions as to what would possibly happen if Rexy was the one who faced the Spino without giving out a seemingly biased conclusion.

3. If T-rex gets vengeance then JW WILL BE THE JP3 OF THE SPINO FANS.

4. Simply because if the T-rex fights the Spino, the winner will be too damn injured to fight the I-rex.



Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPJun-09-2015 6:41 PM

SAURORNITHOIDES - You have made excellent points! I could not agree more; well said! :)


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-09-2015 7:26 PM

I always kind of assumed that the T-rex that was killed in JP3 was the juvenile from The Lost World. It is on isla sorna so it is possible. I feel like the debate is unnecessary. The spinosaurus got a lucky shot in. Regardless the director only did that to make the spino scarier for the sake of the movie. I had a theory that they would go to Sorna as a last resort and get the spino. Long story short I feel like Dino fights are the least of what I want to see. I want story! 3 more days!

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPJun-09-2015 7:36 PM

ADAMSAURUS  - Welcome to SCIFIED! I happen to agree with your assertions; the one thing that is needed most is a good story! I do not care about grudge matches between extinct animals. Once again, welcome to SCIFIED! :)


CompsognathusMember2 XPJun-09-2015 7:43 PM

Possibly in another film, but for now we must return to Nublar.


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-09-2015 8:03 PM

Thanks! I've been checking this site daily for months I just felt like i'd put in my 2 cents in this debate. I love the T-rex it was one of my favorite dinosaurs as a kid. I'm sure some were killed by other species at one point or another. I understand why people were mad about it but ruining childhood? Come on. I used to check out every dinosaur book from the library when I was a kid and one of them had a picture of my favorite dinosaur at the time being eaten by scavengers (compys?). My childhood remained intact. Haha! All in good fun though!

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPJun-09-2015 8:13 PM

ADAMSAURUS - You are most welcome! I understand exactly what you mean; it is the memories we hold that are the most important! I certainly hope you enjoy SCIFIED! :)


CompsognathusMember8 XPJun-09-2015 10:26 PM

ADAMSAURUS= Welcome to Sci-fied. I cant really relate to this favorite dino talk, maybe because i really had no fave dino when i was young. :)

Something Real = Thank you for the compliments, i am not worthy. :)

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPJun-10-2015 12:18 AM

SAURORNITHOIDES - Hahaha! Nonsense, goofball! ;)

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPJun-10-2015 3:50 AM

Rex doesn't need redemption. Just the same, having everyone's favourite tyrant take on this hybrid will be satisfying if you ask me. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Therizinosaurus Rex(aka Kaijusaurs)

CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-10-2015 5:28 AM


I agree.

Therizinosaurus for JW2!

Rex Revenge

CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-12-2015 1:24 PM

The T Rex did not exactly get a glorious redemption in JW since it did not exactly kill the I Rex... It needed the help of the Raptors and the Mosasaurus... Not much very satisfactory...

The rematch needs to happen, besides if it happens the score would be one one. Spino killed a Rex once and vice versa. The series is tied. I don't se how that would create an even bigger flaming debate. Both fanbases would have had their victories.

Not to mention they need to correct the JP3 fight because from a scientific standpoint, the T Rex's bite was stronger.

By the way there is a pettition of FB to have the rematch, if anyone want's to join the cause, any help is welcome



CompsognathusMember75 XPJun-12-2015 3:55 PM

Dude, I'm sorry, but it's not likely to happen.


Spinosaurus I think is down and out of the JP franchise. I doubt we are going to see it onscreen again after the backlash of JPIII.


T-rex knocked over the skeleton of Spinosaurus in Jurassic World and was a severe player in the I-rex's downfall; redemption enough. It would be more interesting to move on to different species now.


If you want to see a T-rex kill a Spinosaurus, watch the Primal Carnage trailer.

T-rex vs. Spinosaurus

Lord Vader

Tyrannosaurus RexMember6270 XPJun-13-2015 3:42 AM

I don't Rexredemption, T-Rex kicked some major ass, and if the Mosasaur wasn't there, she probably would've finished the job with a little help from the Velociraptor. That fight was awesome, no way around. T-Rex showed everyone who's worthy of the Rex name in her five minutes of screen time. I'd watch the movie several times for the fight scene alone. It was that damn awesome. 

Jack of all trades. Master of none


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-16-2015 8:22 AM

Ok I'm just going to say this as a Spinosaurus fan. 

Yes T-rex should've won (the first bite of Rex should've broke Spino's neck, *SPOILERS* but same could be said about jurassic world since T-rex bite I-rex's neck first also). So scientifically yes Rex would win. 

~ T-rex 1 and Spinosaurus 0

T-rex Fan base > Spino Fan base 

~ T-rex 2 and Spinosaurus 0

T-rex shows up in every Jurassic Park Franchise

~ T-rex 3 and Spinosaurus 0 

T-rex destroys Spinosaurus bones (which I'll be honest got me upset and angry, so if that wasn't enough...then wow...but I glad T-rex got their fan service)

~ T-rex 4 and Spinosaurus 0 

Director points out T-rex redemption and says Rex killed the spino (which is why the bones are there)

~ T-rex 5 and Spinosaurus 0 

T-rex in the video games always kill spino or is a higher level in the last few years (ex. Primal Carnage, Jurassic Park arcade, Lego Jurassic World, etc. etc)

~ T-rex 6 and Spinosaurus 0 

And last but not least, Spinosaurus fans have is Jp3...which can be consider a -1 or +1 for some people. But either way, if it's revenge you want. It was standing right in front of you all this time, like said previously, Spinosaurus will most likely never show up ever again in a Jurassic Park film. Spinosaurus is literally buried (well, the old reconstruction at least). Now I'm not trying to complain and saying this is a big deal (I'm not hating any of things I listed at all, I understand why T-rex is king and loved. I like T-rex, it's such a powerful creature. So I get why they would be angry.), but all I want now is to have Spinosaurus left alone or at least be treated with some form of respect. 

Sorry if I sound a bit rude, I'm not trying to start a debate or anything. It's a bit of a touchy subject for us spino fans or me at least. I also know we're nog post talk about T-rex vs Spino in the forums anyway. So let's just leave it as that.  

 Childhood Nightmare

 “Absence of proof is not proof of absence.” 
― M. Crichton, The Lost World

Rex Revenge

CompsognathusMember0 XPAug-24-2015 10:00 PM


Like, sign and share my petition! We have to let them know how many people want the rematch. Please don't let another sequel go by without the rematch, we need it for the reasons explained in the page so please, use the hashtag #TRexSpinorematch and tweet this page to Colin Trevorrow or anyone in the production or if you can contact them any other way that's great


CompsognathusMember0 XPAug-25-2015 6:09 AM

Seriously, this fight was 14 years ago. Get over it!  

My blog:http://prehistoric-world.blogspot.hu/

Rex Revenge

CompsognathusMember0 XPAug-25-2015 7:37 PM



This isn't about me "getting over it"... MANY MANY people still want the rematch. and it's not just "butthurt children", adults too.

People won't stop untill that wrong is corrected no matter how much time has passed.


CompsognathusMember0 XPJan-19-2016 6:24 PM

Hey myself, I haven't thrown myself into one of these fan fights in awhile...




Granted, your point is interesting. However, I'd like to disagree. 


Another match would kinda be just re-using material. It'd be pointless unless it could be scripted in, to which, the script would then have to shift to make sense for a Spinosaurus to be involved. 


Not to mention, Last I heard we weren't returning to the island. Either of them I'd reckon. 


So, That'd mean that the Spinosaurus would have to return in a totally forced situation. 


Following Cannon, INGEN abandoned that project for a reason, Besides having to ditch Site B. The Spinosaurus is shown as agressive, and very preditorial, this wouldn't have been good in a park setting, they would've made note of this in any and all reports before cancelling that project. 


Masrani Took over Ingen, Any and all property owned by them would've been noted by Masrani. 


Masrani wouldn't have cloned Spinosaurus, it may have been in development though, through manipulating certain traits you could possibly alter it's agressiveness, make it more docile. 

I feel the Subtle nod to it in JW was sufficient, it wasn't outright, but it was incredibly clever. 

Shameless self promotion, There used to be a running series on here about battling them both out.  Push comes to shove, It's a pretty even fight depending on the conditions. (I wrote that Just by the way, check me scified site) /end self promotion


I can tell you though, that it's actually a bit of writing importance that they had done that. The point was to make Spinosaurus the villain, He was, the big baddy. The one way to do that was to make people take this villain seriously. Best way to do that, have them kill someone. Rexy being the Beloved hero here, was the target. They did the same thing with I-rex actually, When it started to slaughter the Apotasaurs for sport. 


So, those are my Two cents on this ruccus. 

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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