Jurassic World 3

Jurassic World (*Spoiler)

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CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-15-2015 12:47 PM

I saw Jurassic World yesterday on release date, and I must say I enjoyed the movie a lot and it is definitely the best of the sequels and maybe for some even better than the original as it is very action heavy with some very great special effects. So let's categorize them in story, characters effects and a verdict. 


The story follows two kids named Zach and Gray who visit Jurassic World with their aunt for a week. They embark on all the attractions. While this is happening Owen (Chris Pratt) anand Claire (Brice-Dallas Howard) try to hunt down and contain a new hybrid who has escaped. 

The base story is pretty basic. Park under attack, escape all the dinosaurs. However I must give credit to the film for generally surprising me! With Henry Wu revealing himself as A villain and Indominus Rex being part raptor and communicating with Owens raptor squad and making them turn on their masters. It may sound silly but it is done well. 


Lets start off with Owen, Chris Pratt does extremely well and he is having a blast. He can be funny but serious when he has to be. Brice has an amazing change of character and gets some great laughs as well however I can see some not liking her personality at the start.

Irrfan Khan suprised me with his Masrani role, I generally thought he would be an asshole who only cared about the money, but he suprisingly cares about the safety of the park and realises his mistake with the indominus, and his death was unfortunate,

The kids did there part good aswell, but the characters they portrayed didnt impress me, Zach was a bit of a creep staring down everyone and I cant believe anyone who would be bored of damn dinosaurs! Gray was good, and although glossed over quickly the parent divorse thing was not needed. Also some scenes of them laughing when they nearly got chomped in half bugged me.

Omar was just there, nothing hit me from his perfomance. Hoskins whas wayy to cartoony and I could see his fate from a mile away, Zara was just too damn stereotypicaly british (being british myself we do not talk like that) and Jake Johnson and Lauren Lapkus had some very funny lines and where well acted.

Onto the Dinos now, starting with Indominus,

My god this thing was creepy. I never realy thought I would be disturbed when walking into the cinema but I was. I even saw a freaking five year old walking out the cinema with his Dad crying after the escape scene, and by the time he was back in the seat he had to go again because it was now the ankylosaur scene! Indominus is a creepy bugger and deserved his awesome death, even though while watching it i feel sad for it, as it feebly clawed at the mosasaur.

The raptors where damn awesome and where portrayed very well. If you was put off by the training parts, dont worry. The raptors are just.... barely docile and after the very well made twist of the indominus being part raptor, they turn and absolutely tear into Ingen. Alas three members of the squad where killed, Blue being the only survivor....

Trex was a damn badass, and the final battle with him was superb, although I could tell some people would think a raptor riding a T-rex was silly, it still kicked major ass. and the final shot of her roaring was well shot.

And finaly we have Mosasaur, or as I like to call him... Lake Placid on Acid... Although only have 3 small scenes he makes such a damn impression and he became my new favourate aquatic reptile, which was once held by Liopleurdon, as much as I still love him.

So there was my review, What where your thoughts on the movie? I would love to know....



Leader Of The Pack.

2 Responses to Jurassic World (*Spoiler)

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPJun-15-2015 6:15 PM

BLUE - I enjoyed your overview and thoughts on Jurassic World! I greatly enjoyed the film - especially its simplicity! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! :)


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-17-2015 2:12 PM

I give movie 9 because I give -1 for the missing T-Rex roar in the end, even Im a spino fan I as really hoping to hear the iconic roar

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