Jurassic World 3

(*Contains Spoilers*)Who has the most brutal death?

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Therizinosaurus Rex(aka Kaijusaurs)

CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-15-2015 3:48 PM




But I'm sure most of you guys saw the movie.





Who do you think has the most brutal death? It could be anyone like random people or a Dinosaurus



To me its Zara why? because she fricken got peck by Pteronodons then got munch by Mosasaurus along with Pteronodon.

Therizinosaurus for JW2!

62 Responses to (*Contains Spoilers*)Who has the most brutal death?


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-17-2015 11:42 AM

At least no cats/dogs died. I hate when dogs or cats die in those films.


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-17-2015 5:43 PM

JPCerato- I get what you mean, no one is truly evil (just corrupted or have their ideals ahead of them) and the innocent die also. Part of reality. We just feel sorry for Zara, not because she was a girl, but because it was the worst death in the movie. 

As for the Gif, I found it and pasted into my signature. Just rescale your gif. though if you do it, otherwise it becomes stretched. ;)

Suprised no one is being creative with their accounts. ;-;  

 Childhood Nightmare

 “Absence of proof is not proof of absence.” 
― M. Crichton, The Lost World

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