Jurassic World 3

This one Easter Egg in Jurassic World you might have definitely missed (it's not that big but worth it) and Spoilers

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BrachiosaurusMember1077 XPJun-16-2015 8:49 AM

So when the Indominus attacks the Gyrosphere, it smashes the back open, allowing Zack and Gray to run away but before they can, it smashes the Gyrosphere and Zack and Gray are in the middle again, just fitting in the small to stop themselves from being smashed.

In Jurassic Park, when Alan and Rim get to the bottom of tree, the car falls on them, but luckily just away from the edges.

This might not have been an Easter Egg, but at least there is some sort of parallel here. 

Remember that chap, I forget his name, he climbed Everest without any oxygen, came down nearly dead. They asked him, they said, "Why did you go up there to die?" He said, "I didn't, I went up there to live."
1 Responses to This one Easter Egg in Jurassic World you might have definitely missed (it's not that big but worth it) and Spoilers


CompsognathusMember75 XPJun-16-2015 3:28 PM

I wouldn't say Easter Egg; more so parallel scene.


There are many scenes in Jurassic World that rip-off and/or are HEAVILY inspired by the original movie.

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