Jurassic World 3

Jurassic World Plot Holes (spoilers)

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CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-21-2015 11:13 PM

Hello, I just finished watching Jurassic World, and I thought it was a fantastic movie. I did notice some plot holes though:

1. Where did the children get the gasoline to start the Jeep from? Any existing gasoline in the tank would have surely degraded.

2. How did the indominus rex communicate with the raptors? It was held in captivity without social interaction with any other living creature since it was born. Having raptor DNA wouldn't even really allow it to communicate with any other member of its species either.

3. How did the t-rex and raptor communicate with each other at the end of the movie? Not only are they entirely different species, but they don't even share the same mentality, one's an intelligent pack hunter, the other isn't.

What do you guys think? Does anyone else have more plotholes?

7 Responses to Jurassic World Plot Holes (spoilers)

Tyrant king

CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-22-2015 6:06 AM

1.movie logic. 

2.they have the same DNA. 

3.mutual friendship after they both fought a common enemy. 


CompsognathusMember75 XPJun-22-2015 9:26 AM

Got a couple others for you:


4. Why did the Indominus Rex enclosure even have a giant door? I-Rex wasn't going anywhere soon. It's been in that cage for all its life and it would have been likely to remain in there for the rest of its life. Why even build a giant opening that would allow it to escape if left open? You can easily get in and out with a human sized door instead with no risk for the dinosaur escaping.


5. Why does this island not have tranquilizer guns eligible to take down large animals? We have darts with long enough needles and strong enough doses to put a rhino down for days. This highly advanced park doesn't have any for its larger dinosaurs?


6. Why the heck are there not any visitor emergency shelters? I-Rex is strong, I'll give it that, but I'm certain it can't get through a concrete wall. If the visitors just had a place to go, there wouldn't really be a problem.


7. This island seriously has only one helicopter?


But #3: I don't think they communicated and/or gained a friendship. Blue was getting ready to bolt, expecting Rexy to attack (she took a step backwards and everything). But, apparently Rexy was too exhausted.


AllosaurusMember3687 XPJun-22-2015 9:48 AM

1- I thought that too.

2- They have the same DNA, so I assume because of that the I. rex possibly developed some instinct of the raptors in his genetic code.

3- Blue saved Rexy, they both defeated I. rex, and they just looked at each other and just walked away... Not a relationship, just a mutual respect for one another.


Tyrant king

CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-22-2015 11:50 AM

That's what I meant by "freindship". 


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-23-2015 1:18 AM

I am so done with the auto-logouts on this website. Liek so done. No rly. *grumble mumble*


1. Because how else would they have been able to drive it to safety?

2. It is likely that the raptor's communication is instinctual, as they communicated the same exact way in each movie, even though it was a different pack for each movie.

3. What everyone else said. They didn't communicate, they just respected the other enough to not try and kill eachother.

4. So that if it died or they had to transport it, they wouldn't have to call in a helicopter or tear down a wall in order to move it. The better question is why that particular door was open in the first place, as there were many smaller, man-sized entrances into the enclosure, to which the answer is so that the Indominus could escape.

5. Those stun-guns we saw are probably able to take down a T. rex, but the Indominus' literally bulletproof skin was simply to thick for them to do more than cause the monster some minor discomfort. I mean, this is a creature that took several 12 gauge shots from point blank and didn't even flinch. On top of that, it also survived sustained fire from an M134 minigun, a weapon which, mind you, fires 7.62x51mm bullets (which is more than enough to go through a car's engine block!), at a rate of fire anywhere from 33-100 bullets A SECOND. 

6. They probably do. We just never saw them because none of the main-characters never had any reason to go to them. And honestly, an emergency shelter isn't the sort of thing you want to have on mainstreet at a theme-park. I mean, imagine if you went to Disney world and the first thing you saw was a bomb-shelter.

7. Did you watch the movie? The Ingen soldiers flew in on several helicopters. On top of that, the park itself almost certainly had more helicopters, and I'd like to say, once again, that just because we didn't see them, doesn't mean they weren't there.


But yeah, apparently when Hammond kept saying that they spared no expense, he was talking about the gasoline in their Jeeps. /s/

Here, have a waffle (-'.')-#


CompsognathusMember30 XPJun-23-2015 1:26 AM


Welcome, and good points, here is my reasons.

1. Didn't they et the engine/gasoline from the broken vehicael where they found te helmet and Zach went "You're stronger, you hold it." ?

2. It would have been natural instinct, there is always a first time, you start somewhere, plus she wasn't fully grown so yeah.

3. They didn't communicate, just mutual respect, "Based on mutal respect." Owen and raptors are different, aren't they?




4. I have said billions of times, that is for transportation, it would have been moved to a better loaction more than likely, plus for building and security purpose and transportation, it would be handy. There was a smaller door that Owen and the worker (His name is Ellis, LEGO game confirmed) run for, but she blocks their path.

5. They had the stun guns, they took down all the animals, eg the pachy's at the start. The I-Rex proved to strong for ACU, plus they had lethals if needed, I don't see the reason for stun guns, tranquilizers, sun rods and lethals.

6. They had the hotel away from mainstreet which acted as shelter for them, they probably would have had bunkers but were smaller like in the first movie, the park was open for 10 years and didn't need it, why would they get one?

7. The transport was boat, hence: "You got no more boats, you don't have enough guns!" That chopper was for Masrani and peronal staff.


Feel free to argue.




CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-25-2015 7:41 AM

Get ready for a EWW (Everything Wrong With...)

 Childhood Nightmare

 “Absence of proof is not proof of absence.” 
― M. Crichton, The Lost World

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