Jurassic World 3

Too much praise for Jurassic World?

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CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-22-2015 5:17 PM

I love the film, it was a fun movie. But, people claiming it was the best film of all-time? No, it's not. The Godfather is a flawless film, not JW, Citizen Kane is a perfect film, not JW, The Dark Knight is a near flawless film, The Avengers is a near flawless film, Skyfall is an excellent film, JW is not! Look at this as a film, is this a good film? No, is it a good monster movie? Yes. I'm saying it is not worth all this praise... don't get me started on the dialogue!

"By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfill that promise. They never will! Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people."

6 Responses to Too much praise for Jurassic World?


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-23-2015 9:11 AM

I think it was a really fun, entertaining movie and I'm glad it's done so well in the box office.  I don't think it had the integrity of the original - the characters were a bit annoying and the dialogue was terrible!  But the effects were (mostly) great and it was really fun so I still loved it - at least they didn't Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull it!


CompsognathusMember0 XPJun-25-2015 6:01 AM

Well if anything was to be movie of the year, it was Mad Max: Fury Road. Just my opinion. 


I loved jurassic world too, but the dialouge was pretty cheap. 

 Childhood Nightmare

 “Absence of proof is not proof of absence.” 
― M. Crichton, The Lost World


AllosaurusAdmin4361 XPAug-01-2015 10:25 PM

Gonna move this to the JW forums. :)

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPAug-02-2015 9:48 AM

I liked it, but I really thought JW was WAY too over-merchandised.


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Triple X

CompsognathusMember0 XPAug-02-2015 11:38 AM

JW managed to accomplish something that most sequels never achieve; to create a nostalgic feeling and to catch the spirit of the first movie.


AllosaurusMember3811 XPAug-03-2015 6:41 AM

Were you expecting a Dinosaur film to be the Godfather?

Good grief.

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