Jurassic World 3

Isla Nublar: A New Era: The Mosasaurus Special!

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Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPJul-19-2015 6:51 PM














     Alone. Abandoned. Food supply running low. All these issues plagued the Mosasaurus, queen of her underwater realm. The Indominus rex wouldn’t last much longer. Yes, the creature was almost her size, but the only other creatures here were a few tiny fish, barely the size of one of her monstrous teeth. It would take some practice and energy to catch a pterosaur every now and then. Land creatures would most likely avoid the area, and she could see most of the guard rail was still intact. But what about the fence…


     Swimming towards the fence at rapidly increasing speeds, the Mosasaurus slams her gargantuan head into the barrier separating her from the rest of the lagoon. She sees her attempt didn’t work so well, and swims off. This attempt could work if she kept trying, but she knows that this could injure her. Looking for a different angle, she sees the top of the fence. Remembering how she propelled herself out of the lagoon to reach the Indominus rex, she darts underwater, rapidly approaching the fence. At the last second, she makes a sharp turn towards the surface and successfully leaps over the fence! After taking a moment to explore the new area, she realizes the fault in this move: there’s barely any space to move here.


     Frustrated and beginning to get claustrophobic, she begins to ram and bite the fence wall, desperately trying to get past it. After a long attempt, she gets a hole just large enough to swim through, and escapes with only some sunburn on her back and a slightly damaged head, along with a couple small cuts. Looking, around, she tries to decide what will happen next…

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

3 Responses to Isla Nublar: A New Era: The Mosasaurus Special!

Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPJul-19-2015 6:56 PM

As for my update- King of Jurassic Park, the upcoming fght I'm writing- a four way battle between raptors, Rexy, Spinosaurus, and the Indominus rex- WILL happen, but not for a bit. I'm waiting on a drawing to go with the fight, and I have to finish planning it. My original ending was way too similar to Jurassic World, so I'm slightly editing it.


Also, read below-




That's right! I'm letting readers decide on the fate of the Mosasaurus. Also, Blue and a surprise guest will return in the next chapter. ;)


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPJul-19-2015 6:58 PM

SCI-FI KING25 - Oh, how neat! That was a very engaging chapter in your series! I very much like the fact that you are utilizing the Mosasaurus as the focal character for this section - and I certainly hope she manages to end her plight! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this with us! :)


CompsognathusMember0 XPDec-09-2015 5:52 AM

She jumps lives there happy now I'm in a hury

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