Jurassic World 3

Indominus Rex with Humane DNA

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CompsognathusMember0 XPAug-28-2015 5:23 AM

What we know at all about the Indominus Rex?
The Indominus Rex is around 5.5 meter tall dinosaur. It is long 12-15 meters.
We know about her appearance that she has white scales. Her back is covered with small spines, which can be most likely used for defense. The eyes have a yellow-orange hue.
Both of physique as well as their speed-wise, you can compare it with a T-Rex.
In the Indominus Rex is a bitch. All Dinos in the park are females that is a common practice that we know already from the first part, it is intended to prevent the spread unkontrolierte.

Your DNA is made up of a funny mix of dinosaurs and amphibians living today.
So, it has inherited the genes of Gigantosaurus, Abelisauruer, Majungasaurus, Carnotaurus, Rugpos, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Therizinosaurus, octopus, puffer fish, frog and a few other animals that are not known unfortunately.
But I think you could tell that there is a whole lot of genes were mixed.

The setting is you surely noticed where it erupts. (Stupid question, otherwise the film Währe been even half as well ...) You know at this point amazing intelligence. So we know a similar behavior of the Velociraptors from the first part. As a reminder, this ran systematically against the fences around them for vulnerabilities to search from.
The Indominus Rex realized that the only flaw in her prison the people are. So she lays a false trail and can last at last escape. So you tricked the people that we remember times.
Just watch the video, so that you on what I want to know in the following addition:

Kam before you what funny?
Then fit on time. She grabs the man. She takes him up! Not with the mouth but with his claws. But they did not pierced him but simply lifts him.
That's actually almost impossible, when you consider that humans and primates are the only animals that have a women that is flexible enough for it. No other animal is this so well developed as ours.
Now you come into pondering what? Let us note that just sometimes ...

But I've got yet another beautiful thing.
Thus it is said in the trailer and in the film: "She's killing for sport."
A quote that could so take out. It will probably just increase the tension and the fear of monsters ...
False, the back we can draw a comparison to our race. Man hunts and kills not survive all about but also for fun, for sport.
Hunt animals only when they are hungry or be attacked by another animal. Even as they hurt more and let it then. Man is the only known so far being who kill a kick out does other animal and you will not eat. Just like the Indominus Rex.
You notice where I want to break up, or?

Exactly. I suppose that the Indominus Rex has human DNA.
It would explain their superior intelligence, because they like a person thinks similarly, they can outwit them easily. Even the well developed and mobile thumb and their bloodlust.
It simply fits together.

But that's just a theory ...



**Video Embed by Raptor-401**

6 Responses to Indominus Rex with Humane DNA

Triple X

CompsognathusMember0 XPAug-28-2015 10:03 PM

Copyright by Neil Kohney @Kohney.com


Sci-Fi King25

AllosaurusMember4297 XPAug-29-2015 8:46 AM

Alright, I can't explain the picking up people thing.


HOWEVER, in the FIRST film, Robert Muldoon does say that the raptors kill for sport. The I. rex has raptor DNA.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


CompsognathusMember0 XPSep-01-2015 5:42 AMYeah I really laughed at that part when Chris Pratt was communicating with the Raptors. Funny part is that the vest he wore it throughout the movie? No scratches nothing. But what you guys think? Chris Pratt for Jurassic World or Guardians Of The Galaxy?

Elite Raptor 007

CompsognathusMember7 XPSep-01-2015 10:15 PM

@JOHN_HEXDER - Of course Chris Pratt for Jurassic World - You're Joking ?????

@DESTOROYAHX - XD, i love the last part when The I-Rex wears Chris's Guardians of the galaxy and said " WE SHOULD BE FRIENDS " and the part when in the Wharf rat DNA


AllosaurusMember4465 XPMar-08-2016 12:56 AM

Even without the Raptor DNA, Dr. Wu was saying that to make it more scarier they had to increase all the predatory factors which include highten intelligence so when people WMG saying its PART HUMAN! they should take a step back and think what gives carnivores an advantage over herbivores.. the answer is intelligence.



CompsognathusMember3 XPJun-11-2016 2:38 PM

SPOLIER ALERT - It's been officially stated that the I-Rex's intelligence comes from the Velociraptor DNA, NOT from any sort of Human DNA.

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