Jurassic World 3
Will Jurassic World 2 be about Dinosaurs retaking the Earth?

Will Jurassic World 2 be about Dinosaurs retaking the Earth?

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AllosaurusMember3811 XPJul-17-2016 2:27 PM

So after reading about the Jurassic Park twitter tagline change from "The Park is Open" to "Dinosaurs Rule the Earth", it has me thinking, are they going to have humanity have an epic fail? By that I mean, are dinosaurs going to take back Earth?

Think about it, weaponized dinosaurs, multiple people having the genome to make a dino, it all sounds like one big disaster. I feel like this might actually be what Trevorrow means by evolving the series, by actually having dinosaurs takeover. If this is actually the case, I am hyped. I have been waiting for a movie in which they simply showcase dinosaurs ruling the planet, and if it be Jurassic World 2 or 3, I'm psyched for it.

Tell me if you guys are!

Good grief.

9 Responses to Will Jurassic World 2 be about Dinosaurs retaking the Earth?

G. H. (Gman)

Tyrannosaurus RexAdmin5424 XPJul-17-2016 4:09 PM

I feel like that's always been the logical progression from the set-up storyline in Jurassic World. Because of course weaponizing dinosaurs isn't going to work and of course it's going to bite people in the ass.

At it's core, the Jurassic Park movies are a morality play--The attempt by man to control nature due to some form of ego & greed and literally get eaten for it. Military dinosaurs going AWOL is right in line with that theme.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


BrachiosaurusMember1425 XPJul-17-2016 4:17 PM

I could see the next JW being set under the ocean (James Cameron would love that!).

I don't see the land animals escaping the island(or the flying ones..too far)...But I can imagine the giant salt water creatures easily conquering the oceans. Eating great whites like popcorn.

Some cool submarine action?

Jaws X10


I Meme Everything

AllosaurusMember4115 XPJul-17-2016 5:27 PM

I'm okay with this as long as there's no militarized dinosaurs

"Part of the journey is the end..."


AllosaurusMember3811 XPJul-17-2016 5:39 PM

I agree with Gman, this seems like pretty much the only logical route to go. Either that or T.rexes with bazookas firing at spinos with RPGs.

Good grief.

I Meme Everything

AllosaurusMember4115 XPJul-17-2016 5:44 PM

They'd just blow each other up!

"Part of the journey is the end..."


CompsognathusMember7 XPJul-17-2016 9:29 PM

I think by now it's safe to say that the Jurassic Park franchise will go in the direction of dinosaurs finding their way atop of the global food chain due to a failed attempt at weaponized dinosaurs. My only hope is that the dinosaurs are depicted not as monsters but as animals, as they were in the original Jurassic Park. I would love to see the dinosaurs beginning to find their niche in different ecosystems around world. 

G. H. (Gman)

Tyrannosaurus RexAdmin5424 XPJul-17-2016 9:35 PM

Monster Zero,
It's not a matter of the animals escaping. Dr. Wu and the embryos are off the island. The information is out. Any private military company, country or entrepreneur can make dinosaurs now. That was the entire thematic point of Wu's relationship with Hoskins.

"'Nostalgic' does not equal 'good,' and 'standards' does not equal 'elitism.'" "Being offended is inevitable. Living offended is your choice."


TriceratopsMember425 XPJul-18-2016 1:02 AM

I thought this was kind of obvious since the title changed from Park to World, making it seem like this set of movies was about expansion.


I don't think there will be a Planet of the Apes style rule, but they'll probably become a problem to say the least.

Something Real

Tyrannosaurus RexMember5639 XPJul-18-2016 2:10 AM

GORILLAGODZILLA - That is a very compelling scenario! I believe it could work quite well if implemented in such a way as to be somewhat believable and suspenseful! :)

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