Hello there, my friends. As I was having a little look around the web, I happened upon yet another piece of extremely compelling information which immediately made me think of my friends here on the Dinosaurs forum! I have provided a link to the article below and I certainly hope you enjoy it if you choose to give it a read. :)
Dinosaur that looked like a giant bird discovered in Canada!
ULTRAZERO80 - Indeed! I am very interested in this particular animal! :)
I'm sorry but what does that have to do with dinosaurs?
@Something Real
Neat Discovery
Damn, it seems like this topic is a hot spot for spam.
If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.
get this unholy spam off our cristian science fiction site right now or I swear to God-
please moderators/admins, shoot it into orbit
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