Jurassic World 3

"Guess we'll have to evolve as well"

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TriceratopsMember126 XPJan-19-2018 4:36 PM

Well, that's it, I can't stand hollywood anymore. They're ruining every sci-fi franchise there is: Alien, Godzilla, Jurassic Park etc. There's no stopping them.

Godzilla: king of monsters (2019) looks like it will be more of the same like Kong: Skull Island... Garbage.

Jurassic world 2 is also doomed. They screwed up Godzilla 2014, Alien Covenenant was quite good, but meh...

MEG (2018?) with Jason Statham will also be a letdown, no doubt.

I really miss creative geniuses like Stan Winston. Nowadays they shoot everything against a blue screen and then fill in the gaps in post-production and it SUCKS.

The actors don't know what they're dealing with, and the writers keep putting in these dad-puns and really cheesy humour.

Man, I mean, I watched Transformers 18: the holy staff a few weeks ago, and it was just awfull. An absolute massive heap of shit. It really pissed me off.

So that's it. I have absolutely no faith anymore in this once flourishing and vibrant industry. It's now run by moneygrabbing assholes and geeks typing away on their computers, encoding the latest in fake looking CGI, and lazy writers who have no imagination or connection to the targeted audience at all.

So I guess we'll all have to devolve to wrap our minds around the complexity of all the stupidness in upcoming monster movies.

This genre has become comedy and that scares the shit out of me.

'Jaws' was the first blockbuster ever and it's still an amazing movie after all those years. Why can't they do it again? 

1 Responses to "Guess we'll have to evolve as well"

I Meme Everything

AllosaurusMember4115 XPMar-11-2018 12:17 PM

I'm just sick of the JP franchise. The people who are "taking it in a new direction" are bastardising it with shit like hybrid and militarised dinosaurs. Hopefully Fallen Kingdom doesn't pull this shit.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

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