Jurassic World 3
Spines and His Crew (Volume 1)

Spines and His Crew (Volume 1)

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CompsognathusMember23 XPOct-05-2018 12:14 AM

Hi guys,this is my first post. This story contains 7 parts. I hope you appreaciate it! Now,let's continue.




In the Jurassic Woods,there were lots of herbivores. The rise of them could mean their downfall. Every time the tide of herbivores flushed in the Woods,more hunters come in. That means more to eat,and more to fight. That means they have enemies,only for reasons like food or territory.  Even if they have their own 'enemies' they also need some friends. In the whole Jurassic Woods,the strongest in the state of also the biggest was  Spines the Spino Rex short for,Spinosaurus Rex Ultimus. Now let's get to the introduction thingy. Spines has been passed on genes that were from his oldest ancestors that bred with something weird, i dont know , many,many,many,many,MANY,MANY,MANY, years ago. This is his story here,and his friends. His and their height are advanced cause they are hybrids,well most of them are not.






Well, Let the story BEGIN!! 1! 2! 3!


Part one:The Return of Blackeye 



Spines the Spinosaurus Rex yawned and said,"Ahh,I need to fish. I'm hungry." He went down to the river to fish. He checked for fish and as he checked,he saw that that fish was exactly his favorites. He caught the fish. He ate it and lived like a king. Sadly,he was the last of his kind. Why? This is what happened. Memory flashback 1: His mother's name was Pike while his father's name was Wark. Now, Pike laid eggs. After a few months,the eggs started to crack and shake. Wark asked Pike,"Who do you think they look like when they hatch?" Pike replied,"You i hope." Wark replied,"Well, we won't know when they   haven't hatch yet."  However, large heavy footsteps were heard. It was Blackeye the Tyrannosaurus. Wark kicked Blackeye. Blackeye roared and bit down Wark. Pike slashed Blackeye but he whips his tail to Pike. As the small ones hatched, Blackeye ate some of small ones. Spines was one of the only ones that hadnt been eaten. He watched as Blackeye kills his parents.Blackeye drops Pike and Wark down the cliff and landed down a river. He runs away from his nest in terror. He does not know what happened to his other siblings in the nest. End of memory flashback 1.

That thought made him anger but also fear. Blackeye is the Tyrant King of the Jurassic Woods.One can only imagine what he could do to him.  However,in twenty three years of anger  ,he wants to defeat Blackeye once and for all .As he finished his meal,he hunts for a Diplodocus . He jumps on the back and climbs on the neck and ate the head. Then,he ate the whole body. After that,he runs. He runs so fast that he broke many trees. He returns to his kill but, there is already someone feasting on it. Still he didn't shoo the ones who were eating the Diplodocus. There was Albertolophosaurus,Acrophaganax,Tyrannodontosaurus,Carcharotyrannus,Giganotaurus and lastly a Spinosaurus Rex (Not an Ultimus!). Instead they made a truce. There were now six of them. Now they eat and eat until they had their bellies bloat. An hour later. Blackeye sniffed something,"Blood. Someone else is here.,"he said. Now after they were full,they went to find a place where they could sleep peacefully. However they got tracked down by Blackeye. He patiently waits until they fall asleep. Half an hour later, he makes his move. He snatches the Spino Rex named Lime and went away. A day later...  Spines woke up. Now as he woke up he saw that LIME WAS GONE!!! He sniffed the ground and said,"No. My nemesis Blackeye has returned. " The Carcharotyrannus named Carch said,"Spines,who is Blackeye?" Spines said all that happened. "And now, we shall go to his lair.",said Spines. The Giganotaurus whose name was Giga said,"Okay, but where?" Spines said,"Follow me." However half an hour later as they went across a pond they encounter crocodiles. A Sarcosuchus bites Spines' tail but Carch scratches it. Then Spines stepped on the Sarcosuchus. Then a Kaprosuchus appears.The  Tyrannodontosaurus named T-Donto Rex bites the Kaprosuchus and throws it. Spines jumps and splits the Kaprosuchus in half. A Deinosuchus jumped but Spines cut it arm after arm. After the attack they went across a cave. The 



The Albertolophosaurus named Crest said,"This is an old cave. There should be lots of old ghosts in here. Spines said,"Keep a low profile and be silent. We don't want to foil our plan." They entered the cave. Then,they saw Blackeye and his bodyguards. The five appeared into the light. Blackeye said,"Attack!" Carch jumps on a T-rex and slashed him. Spino Rex bit down the T-Rex and split in half. Crest whips his tail and struck down a Giganotosaurus. Spines bit the Giganotosaurus' legs in half. T-Donto jumped and kicked Blackeye. Then Spines spat venom at Blackeye's eyes so he cannot see. Giga opens the cage so that Lime can get out. Spines put Blackeye at the cage but before that,he headbutts him,he slashed him,he kicked him,he whipped him,he bit him down and stepped on him. Blackeye was injured and was put inside the cage. The six ran out of the cave while Blackeye's roar puts and end to him,the cave collapses,destroying the cave and ultimately ending Blackeye.Finally,after twenty three years,Spines has achieved his goal of destroying Blackeye.



Part two: Siblings Assemble



Spines the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Giga the Giganotaurus

Carch the Carcharotyrannus

T-Donto Rex the Tyrannodontosaurus

Acroarch the Acrophaganax

Crest the Albertolophosaurus

Lime the Spino Rex (Not an Ultimus!)

Flashstrike the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Frogleap the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Scarred Scarer the Spino Rex (Ultimus)


Let it BEGIN!!!


Now,in the Jurassic Woods,Spines and his team of six were hunting something tasty to eat. Coincidentally,Spines' brothers were also looking for something to eat in the river. Now they bumped into each other when crossing the river. BANG! What a mess. Now,before Spines'team could react to that,Spines said to his brothers,"Who are you?" The strangers said,"Flashstrike,Frogleap,Scarred Scarer. Who are you too?" Spines said,"Spines,Spino Rex Ultimus." Flashstrike said," I know you. How did you escape from Blackeye?" Spines replied,"I ran away. You?" Flashstrike said,"We had to fight." Spines said,"GN (Good news). Blackeye is dead." Flashstrike asked,"How?" Spines said,"He was killed in his lair when his cave collapsed. I did most of it." Flashstrike asked,"Okay. So,who exactly is these,who are following you?" Spines replied,"Lime,Giga,Carch,T-Donto Rex,Crest. You're welcome to join us." Flashstrike replied,"Oh yes. We are starving and thirsty." Crest said,"Oh,follow us. We could get a large meal." And so they journeyed to a specific place. Now that place was full of trees. Spines said,"Do not engage yet. Wait for the signal." Soon a huge brachiosaurus stepped onto the scene and ate his breakfast. Now Spines said,"Go,go,go,go,go,go. Go around him." They circled the brachiosaurus and CHARGED!!! They took down the brachiosaurus easily. Many minutes later... Flashstrike and Frogleap said,"Oh,this is so good. Don't you think Scarer?" Scarred Scarer replied,"Yeah. Delicious." Now,after that day,it seems that they had to face many foes. A Saurophaganax slashed T-Donto but he rammed the Saurophaganax and stepped on it. Frogleap jumped and ended a Utahraptor. Spines bit down a Giganotosaurus and threw it to a Carnotaurus who was fighting Crest. Crest said,"What a loser." Carch kicked an Allosaurus in the face and Scarred Scarer grabbed the allosaurus and pierced him. A Xenotarsosaurus and Yangchuanosaurus was charging toward them. Spines bit the neck of the Yangchuanosaurus and snapped it while he slashed the arm of Xenotarsosaurus ripping it. He pushes the Xenotarsosaurus to a sharp branch and killed him. The remaining foes returned to where they came. They entered a lair where Neck Snap the Giganotosaurus lies. Neck Snap asked a Tyrannosaurus,"You have anything?" The Tyrannosaurus replied,"No. But we will return." And they cackled. At midnight,they bad guys returned. They snatched five of his team. 12 hours later... Spines woke up again without Lime or anyone. He said,"Not again." Frogleap asked,"Hey,where'd anyone go?" Spines replied,"Not sure. They should be captured." As a matter of fact,he was right... Acroarch said,"Let us go! Or I'll slice you to ribbons! You wanna get smitten?!" A Carcharodontosaurus replied,"Okay,okay,just hold still guy." Now, Spines tracked some footprints and it turns out it leads to a cave. Now,the cave was also just like Blackeye's lair. Now, they went on to rescue the other five. The four circled their foes. Spines said,"Flashstrike,on the right,Frogleap on the top, Scarer on the left." Now Spines was on the south corner. Then he gave the signal. They leapt out of their hiding spots and charged toward their enemies. Flashstrike ran and struck a Giganotosaurus. Scarred Scarer scared a Raptor and ate it. Frogleap jumped on a sarcosuchus and ended it. Spines kicked Neck Snap. Now while the other two was busy,Flashstrike was punching and punching the cage until,the other five were free. Now,the five got out but the other four stayed behind. Now,Spines spit venom on Neck Snap's arm,paralyzing them. Spines charged him toward a rock. He bites Neck Snap. Flashstrike headbutts him. Frogleap jumps on Neck Snap. Scarred Scarer slashed Neck Snap and finally,Spines stepped on Neck Snap,ending him. He roared a roar of triumph. ROARRRRRRRR! The four got out. Epilogue: Spines and Lime have mated .  Lime laid eggs. And Spines helped. He made a nest of soft straw. Many days later,Lime was very,very sleepy. Perhaps it was time to sleep. However,the eggs sounded. The shells cracked and cracked, and out came their children. Now,Spines went out with his team to hunt something.But it might not go just well... TO BE CONTINUED!


Part Three! Troubled Times


Spines the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

T-Donto Rex the Tyrannodontosaurus

Acroarch the Acrophaganax

Carch the Carcharotyrannus

Crest the Albertolophosaurus

Giga the Giganotaurus

Lime the Spino Rex (Not an Ultimus)

Flashstrike the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Frogleap the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Scarred Scarer the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Barymic the Barymimus 


Let the STORY BEGIN!!!


Now,when Spines and his team went hunting for their food and for Spines' offspring,they planned to celebrate Spines children's first birthday. But things didn't go as planned. So as  they were going as planned,there were huge predators and they snatched each member of his crew except for him and his brothers and T-Donto. Sad to say,there is only five of them to stand against those predators. But,that does not stop them from taking the risk to rescue them once again. Now,upon the river,someone with a snout that is blue and red with large claws rised up from the river. It looked like Spines but only without a sail. It was a Barymimus. Spines asked,"Who are you?" The Barymimus replied,"Barymic,Barymimus. Who are you?" Spines replied,"Spines,Spino Rex Ultimus." Barymic replied,"Oh,I know you. You're that guy that smashed the entire cave! Why,i've been looking for you cause i need some help. Redclaw the Pteranodon stole my fish that is rightfully MINE!!!" Spines replied,"Hey,hey,don't feel bad about that. Actually,you're not the only guy that ends up in that phenomena. When i was thirteen,i fished out a large sawfish from a river but a sneaky Quetzalcoatlus stole it. Hahaha! Now anyway he also kidnapped my crew and mate,Lime. Children has hatched and are starving. Barymic,can you take care of my children?" Barymic replied,"Permission to be on your group?" Spines said,"Yeah,yeah,permission granted. Can we go now?" Barymic replied,"A-OK." Now,the four went off to see where Redclaw is while Barymic was busy taking care of Spines' offspring. Flashstrike suggested that Redclaw might be on a cliff. They journeyed to the end of the woods. They found a cliff. They found a Pteranodon with red claws. Scarred Scarer said,"That must be him! So what's the plan?" Spines replied,"Circle N' Attack techniques." So the four of them circled their enemies. Then as Spines gave the signal, CHARGE! Spines slashed a Pterodactyl,he pokes Spines but Flashstrike pounces at the Pterodactyl. A Pteranodon claws Flashstrike but Frogleap jumps on the Pteranodon. They fought and fought. Spines spits venom at Redclaw. But he dodged the attack and pushed Spines but he pierced his wing and stepped on the head and roared. Meanwhile,the others were busy cutting vines. And once again,they were free. FREEDOM!So they went back,bringing the dead Pteranodon and Pterodactyl as food for their offspring and for themselves. Barymic was having lots of fun. Now to see that Spines and his crew was back, he said,"What's the charge?" Spines said,"No,no money. Come on,we didn't talk about this." Barymic said,"Come on. I fathered and took care of them for a while. Hehehe!" Spines said,"Fine! Have fun with this fish down the creek." Barymic  LOL,"Hahahaha!"


Part four: The Ultimate Eleven/Raptor Five Crossover


Characters: (Ultimate Eleven)

Spines the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

T-Donto Rex the Tyrannodontosaurus

Acroarch the Acrophaganax

Carch the Carcharotyrannus  

Crest the Albertolophosaurus

Giga the Giganotaurus

Lime the Spino Rex (Not an Ultimus)

Flashstrike the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Frogleap the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Scarred Scarer the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Barymic the Barymimus


Characters:Raptor Five

Speed the Velociraptor

Old Claw the Utahraptor

Speed Ambush the Deinonychus 

Little Terror the Troodon 

Featherblade the Microraptor


Let the story BEGIN!

Now,it was autumn. No leaves mean no food and no food means no Corythosaurus for dinner. In that case,that leads the Ultimate Eleven to split up,hunt and return with food.  Now,Lime and Spines went to a specific waterfall to fish and to enjoy the sight. It was so peaceful that Lime said,"I want to come back here." Spines said,"You're right. I hate fighting off predators and hunting constantly. Now, Crest as he went to a pond to get a drink,he got ambushed by a set of crocodiles. The good news is,Acroarch is there to lend a hand or a claw. Not sure. He calls Spines. Spines' phone RINGS! RINGS! He picks it up and said,"Hey Spines! Crest is getting his butt kicked." Spines said in surprise,"Really? BY WHAT?" Crest said ,"It's CROCODILES! ITS CROCOD..." Acroarch said,"You got that right." Spines said,"I'll be down quick." So,Lime,Spines and their children came to where Crest and Acroarch was,but in the meantime,they also called the others.So they went whole. Now just as they were about to attack,five raptors stepped onto the scene. Spines said,"Hey,this is our bust." One of the raptors said,"Well,that doesn't mean this is a private fight." Spines said,"Right. So can we take the first blow before you sound your battle cry?" The raptor said,"Fine! Go ahead. It's winter anyway." Now Spines took down a Deinosuchus. He said,"Watch the maestro work!" He jumped and stepped on a Sarcosuchus. T-Donto came and threw a Kaprosuchus to Giga. Giga slashed. Carch whipped his tail. In the end,ten crocodiles were fresh kills ready to eat meals. Spines said to one of the raptors,"There. You're welcome whoever you all are." One of the Raptors said,"Yeah,yeah i know. Featherblade,Speed,Speed Ambush,Tiny Terror,Old Claw." Spines asked while they were eating,"Why are you even tracking us,following us?" Speed said,"Aside from winter,autumn and winter means the T-rex is very hungry. In that case cannibalism or maybe eating smaller animals. With that being said,we are food. And,we are being eaten. Remember we're small." Spines said,"Yet you eat something twice yourselves. Haha! Haha! Anyway who is the Trex ?" Speed replied,"It was Bonebreaker the T-rex and the son of..." Spines interrupted,"And the son of... BLACKEYE." Speed asked,"So you know him?" Spines replied,"Yeah i defeated him in his own LAIR!" Speed asked again,"Oh really? How far did you get? How many bosses you have beat down?" Spines said,"Three. Blackeye,Neck Snap and Redclaw." Speed said,"Okay,okay. We wanted your help and, can i have your phone number?" Spines said,"Okay,we will help you and here's my number. Call me or text me if you need anymore help." Then he asked,"Where is Bonebreaker's lair?" Speed replied,"Follow me. Also,he has a large food storage. We could stay there for a while." Now, when the sun rose,they woke up an travelled to Bonebreaker's lair. Spines took a peek inside and whispered,"They're not here. So what are we gonna do? Blow this place up?" Barymic and Lime said,"No! What about the food?" Spines said,"Fine,we'll get the food and blow this up. Okay?" Speed said,"How about staying here for the harsh blows of a snowstorm when bad weather comes in winter?" Spines said,"I agree. It looks like a sturdy place anyway." Now,Flashstrike said,"How about we get inside before they get us?" So they went in and searched for them. But others have made an important discovery. They have found the food storage. They ate and ate and ate and ate and ate until they all went to sleep for a while. Now, after they had their nap,Bonebreaker and his guys went in. What may happen later? To be continued...


Part five: A Battle with a Bonebreaker


Spines the Spino Rex (Ultimus

Lime the Spino Rex (Not an Ultimus)

Flashstrike the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Frogleap the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Scarred Scarer the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Barymic the Barymimus

T-Donto Rex the Tyrannodontosaurus

Carch the Carcharotyrannus

Giga the Giganotaurus

Acroarch the Acrophaganax

Crest the Albertolophosaurus

Speed the Velociraptor

Old Claw the Utahraptor

Speed Ambush the Deinonychus

Featherblade the Microraptor

Little Terror the Troodon



Let the STORY BEGIN!!!



Now Bonebreaker and his guys were inside and caught the Ultimate Eleven and the Raptor Five feasting on their food. That thought made them go like wild pigs chasing a lion. Now,they wildly fought the Eleven and the Five. Featherblade threw his feathers to a Giganotosaurus. Then an Allosaurus bit Featherblade but Flashstrike slashes the Allosaurus ten times. Giga then fought an Abelisaurus . The Abelisaurus took down Giga but Carch came and took the Abelisaurus by the arm. Then Carch jerked and jerked making the arm rip off. The Abelisaur smacked down Carch but Giga recovers kicking the Abelisaurus and as he did that,his foot penetrated the skin tearing through inside out. Speed Ambush came slashed a Carnotaurus. The enemy fights by whipping his tail to Speed Ambush but Scarred Scarer jumped and pounced on the Carnotaurus. T-Donto whipped his tail to the head. The blow was so hard the the head was K.O knocked out of place.Barymic was fighting a Suchomimus. Battle of the Claws. The Suchomimus scratched Barymic but he whipped his tail to the attacker and knock out. Spines turned invisible and,"Peekaboo!"as he steps on the attacker killing it. Now Bonebreaker came leaping over Spines but he dodged the attack. Spines slashed him but Bonebreaker bites the arm. Spines spit venom to make Bonebreaker release his grip. Bonebreaker groans in pain. Acroarch comes and bashes Bonebreaker on the side. Bonebreaker gets up but Spines surprised him by tearing his skin,penetrating it from the inside out killing him,INSTANT! Now,Speed asked,"How many bosses have you killed?" Spines said,"Four." Speed said,"Anyway,it's our territory now. Let's make a flag to mark it." Epilogue: Spines said,"What must be on the flag? Dead bugs?" Speed said,"Might be. Maybe some dye?" Barymic said,"No,how about we carve whatever we want." Acroarch said,"Great idea!" And so they carved on their wooden 'flag' to mark their territory. However,as they leave Lime with their children and 'Uncle' Barymic,something unexpected happened,at a nearby lake,more crocodiles,spinosaurs and piranhas dominated that lake. They have smelled the corpse of Bonebreaker as food. As spring arises the ice thaws, freeing them. What may happen could be a disaster! To be continued...


Part six: The Ultimate Eleven/Raptor Five Crossover Two



Spines the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Lime the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Flashstrike the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Frogleap the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Scarred Scarer the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Barymic the Barymimus

T-Donto Rex the Tyrannodontosaurus

Carch the Carcharotyrannus

Giga the Giganotaurus

Acroarch the Acrophaganax

Speed the Velociraptor

Old Claw the Utahraptor

Speed Ambush the Deinonychus

Featherblade the Microraptor

Tiny Terror the Troodon


Let the STORY BEGIN!!!



Now,the time has come when spring has sprung. The sun was peeping out. Soon all the dinosaurs in the woods were enjoying it. Warm weather,lots of leaves,lots of herbivores. As herbivores are thriving,carnivores are starving from the winter so,they take it back. If there are more carnivores,there is many to fight.Barymic went to specific lake. Buy little did he know that that specific lake was, FULL OF CARNIVORES! Crocodiles,Spinosaurs and angry piranha and small sharks dominate the lake. As he  sense thermal radiation,he suddenly knows that something is there . He went away from the lake and into a cave. But he was tracked down by crocodiles and Spinosaurs. Get ready for the Big BLOW!!! Three minutes later,he arrived at the cave. Lime asked,"Barymic,there is something on your back...". That something is actually, a small Kaprosuchus! Barymic said,"Call Spines! Now! NOW!!!" Lime called Spines. Meanwhile,Spines have just took down a large adult ankylosaurus. Now,as they were bringing their food home,Lime called,"Spines! The LAKE DOMINATORS! THE LAKE DOMINATORS!"  Spines said,"No!" Old Claws asked,"What is a Lake Dominators?" Spines said,"Lake Dominators are an army. When winter comes,they return to the ocean to hibernate in their underwater cave until spring comes. Then they will return to the lake to feed and then bring it to their cave to feed it to their leader Hookjaw. Now let's go!" They ran as fast as they can while bringing their kill. Now they arrived at the cave they were about to kill Barymic and Lime but the Eleven and the Five ambushed them. Slash and Slash and Slice. He defeated them but,they followed where the Lake Dominators went to and left Barymic and Acroarch behind. But they secretly followed them after locking the door. They put Lime's children on the back. Now all went to an underwater cave. As usual they ambush the Lake Dominators. Carch said,"Fear the Carch!" He snapped his jaws on a Spinosaurus but the enemy fights back slashing at him on the face. Spines bashed the enemy at breakneck speed. Flashstrike asked,"Breakneck speed?" Flashstrike came and slashed a Suchomimus a hundred times. He said,"This is breakneck speed." The Suchomimus bites Flashstrike at the snout Flashstrike opens his snout wide and got out from the mouth. Spines headbutts the Suchomimus. He kicks and knocks the head out of place. Acroarch bites the leg of a crocodile and ripped it off but the crocodile bites and snaps and Carch steps on it. Barymic came and pierced Hookjaw. Spines kicked Hookjaw at the face. Hookjaw whips his tail at Spines face five times. He felt hard pain for the first time. He spits venom at Hookjaw but he dodges the attack outbalancing Spines. Carch pushes Hookjaw making lose his footing. Spines pierced Hookjaw hard as he fell. And so,as they return,Spinax needed his healing as he had a bad rib and broken snout. 4 weeks later.... Raptor Five and the Eleven will face new foes. Who will win? To be continued...


Part Seven: The Creatures Fight (Final)


Spines the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Lime the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Flashstrike the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Frogleap the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Scarred Scarer the Spino Rex (Ultimus)

Barymic the Barymimus

T-Donto Rex the Tyrannodontosaurus

Carch the Carcharotyrannus

Giga the Giganotaurus

Crest the Albertolophosaurus

Acroarch the Acrophaganax

Speed the Velociraptor

Speed Ambush the Deinonychus

Featherblade the Microraptor

Tiny Terror the Troodon

Old Claws the Utahraptor




4 weeks after Lake Dominators' Defeat Day,Spines has a healed snout and a good strong rib on the right. Now, the Raptors Five had a trip to another island, Redwood island. So the five went to the other island. In that island, another group of carnivores rule the island.New foes they will face. So now,Spines children join in the hunts. They are about nine years old. As many weeks passes they noticed that the Five have not returned yet. They said that they will return in two weeks time but it was already four weeks and still,they haven't returned yet. Now something was real fishy and Spines and his team isn't quite sure if they want to know what should have happened. Final decision. They are going. They go and found the footprints of the Raptors. And it all led to larger footprints. There was a mark that says: Lefion ofe Hiybreeds" Frogleap asked,"What's that mean?" Spines said,"Legion of Hybrids." Scarred Scarer said,"Hey,hey,hey. We won't go to war with some hybrid whatever right?" Spines said,"The Five is captured. Now, we will march in and get them out." Scarred Scarer said,"Oh no. Not again."  Spines asked Barymic,"Barymic,what made these footprints?" Barymic replied,"Here's what i know and it ain't much. Indominus Rex a hybrid that is powerful. A match for you. Allosaurus Aegyptiacus,Allosaurus with a sail of a Spinosaurus. Therizinoceratops,a Therizinosaurus with horns of a Triceratops.Ovigantosaurus,An oviraptor with a Giganotosaurus. Finally,THE ULTIMUS REX! A tyrannosaurus with the sail of a spinosaurus with the claws of a Therizinosaurus,with retractable claws of a Utahraptor with the crest of a Parasaurolophus with horns of a Triceratops with the tail of an ankylosaurus." The whole team  said,"Wow!" Spines said,"Now,we will take them down and show what we are made of!" The whole group said,"YEAH!!!" They followed the footprints and it led to a cave. They secretly came in. They circled the enemy without underestimation. As Spines gave the signal,they attacked. Spines faced the Indominus. He kicks the Indominus. The enemy slashed Spines at the arm. Carch rams the Indominus breaking its ribs. Now,the Ultimus Rex arrived. The enemy kicked Spines at the snout,the same place where Hookjaw hit him. Giga jumps and bit the back of the Ultimus. The enemy bites down Giga and throws him away. A Therizinoceratops slashes its claws at Giga. Giga dodges and hit Ultimus.The Therizinoceratops got its claws stuck on the Ultimus' skin. Carch knocks the enemy over, leaving only the claws behind. Ultimus scraped the skin of Carch. Carch kicks him back. Spines grabbed Ultimus and threw him away. He throws rocks at Ultimus. The Eleven fought Ultimus. Each one of them has their part. Now,Ultimus is dead and the Five are free. To Be Continued...



Well guys,that is the end of Volume 1. Volume 2 will be up soon. For now,please leave a comment below. Thanks.

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