Jurassic World 3

Top 5 Favorite T.rex Specimens

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AllosaurusMember4115 XPOct-05-2018 5:24 PM

Today marks the 113th anniversary of the discovery of Tyrannosaurus rex. Over fifty specimens, including fragmentary remains, have been found at this point in time, so I decided to select my five favorites.


5. Trix

Image result for t rex trix

Trix represents a fairly large individual, but the question is how large? It is described as being 12.5 meters in length, which would make her slightly longer than Sue. Part of her was reconstructed with a cast of Sue, so they should be close in size.


4. Stan (BHI 3033)

Tyrannosaurus rex skeletal diagram (BHI 3033) by Franoys

Image result for t rex stan reconstruction

Stan is one of the most complete Tyrannosaurus specimens and represents a fairly large individual. Casts of this skeleton have been requested by many museums, so there's a fair chance you've met this T.rex.


3. AMNH 5027

Image result for amnh 5027

Image result for amnh 5027 mark witton

One of the oldest specimens of the species, AMNH 5027 still resides at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. I have a sentimental attachment to it, as it's the first T.rex I ever saw.


2. Scotty (RSM P2523.8)

Tyrannosaurus rex skeletal reconstructions. by randomdinos

Image result for t rex scotty

Proportionally, Scotty is the bulkiest Tyrannosaurus specimen, slightly smaller than Sue. Its size is most of what makes this specimen appeal to me. Speaking of size...


1. Sue (FMNH PR 2081)

Tyrannosaurus rex skeletal diagram (FMNH PR 2081) by Franoys

Stocky Sue, Sans Feathers by Osmatar

Was there ever any doubt? Sue is the most famous, largest, and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex ever found. Its discovery was crucial to our understanding of the species as a whole. Its injuries show that life for a dinosaur was tough, even an apex predator like T.rex.

"Part of the journey is the end..."

2 Responses to Top 5 Favorite T.rex Specimens


StegosaurusMember934 XPOct-05-2018 5:31 PM

I've only ever heard of Sue, so it's really cool to learn about these other large T. Rex's.

Godzilla... Truly a God incarnate.


AllosaurusMember4458 XPOct-14-2018 5:30 AM

I've heard about Sue and Stan

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