Jurassic World 3
Spinosaurus Vs. Acrocanthosaurus (EDB Part.5)

Spinosaurus Vs. Acrocanthosaurus (EDB Part.5)

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Kamoebas V.6

StegosaurusMember765 XPSep-20-2019 7:10 AM

So this one is EDB Part.5,please don't start conflicts about the winner.EDB stands for Epic Dinosaur Battles,Part.5 means this is the fifth battle.


The information about Spinosaurus:

  • The meaning of Spinosaurus is Spine Lizard
  • They were the biggest carnivorous dinosaur on Earth
  • They could weigh as much as 3 elephants
  • They could stand over 6 stories high
  • They lived around Egypt and Morocco
  • They lived during the Cretaceous period

About Spinosaurus

Spinosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur that lived in what is now Northern Africa during the Cretaceous period—about 110 million years ago. Most scientist agree that this dinosaur probably hunted both on land and in water and probably lived on a diet of both fish and small mammals. It is believed these dinosaurs floated in much the same way that modern crocodiles do; lying in wait and then using the element of surprise to hunt prey. They were first discovered in 1912 in Western Egypt by Richard Markgraf, although this original specimen was destroyed during the bombing of Munich, Germany during World War II. Since then, scientists have had to make due with studying the plaster casts of this animal.

Spinosaurus is one of the biggest dinosaurs known to scientists today. It is even bigger than the T. Rex. In fact, a Spinosaurus outweighs a typical T. Rex by about 1 ton and the next largest dinosaur—Gigantasauraus—by about a half of a ton.

There are a lot of interesting facts surrounding this large dinosaur. For instance, Spinosaurus was about 49 feet tall (comparable to a 5 story building), and weighed between 7-20 tons, or about the equivalent of 3 male elephants. It is also one of the first dinosaurs to have been identified as the first possible “swimming dinosaur”. Another interesting fact is that the Spinosaurus has a six foot long skull that was shaped much like a modern crocodiles skull. This made it easier for this dinosaur to fish. It is believed that these dinosaur’s walked on all fours when they weren’t in the water, but could also rear up on their hind legs like grizzly bears when they threatened.

They had a whole lot of different types of teeth. These included canines for ripping flesh, and an assortment of conical and grinding teeth. This was because of its varied diet which not only included fish but also may have included small mammals and other dinosaurs.

The information about Arcocanthosaurus:

  • It lived 45 million years before T Rex
  • Weighed more than an African Elephant
  • Over 4 car links in length
  • Acrocanthosaurus has incredible smell
  • Lived in parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Utah and South Carolina

About Acrocanthosaurus

Acrocanthosaurus is a therapod that lived during the Early Cretaceous Period about 115 million years ago. Its fossils were first discovered in Oklahoma during the 1940s. However, this discovery was largely ignored and forgotten until 1950, when J. Willis Stovall and Wann Langston, Jr rediscovered this species by finding a very large vertebrae segment. They would go on to name the dinosaur Acrocanthosaurus, a name which means “high spine lizard.” This name was chosen because it has seventeen inch spikes that travel from its neck to its tail.

Acrocanthosaurus was a fairly large carnivore that was over 40 feet long and weighed as much a 6 tons. This dinosaur also had a large head that was about 4.4 feet in length. This size advantage would allow this dinosaur to hunt some very large herbivores with a fair amount of success.

Scientist really don’t know the purpose of this dinosaur’s spines. Some paleontologists have speculated that the spines were necessary to keep the dinosaur cool by allowing it to dispose of heat like a heat sink. Other scientists believe that is was used to make the dinosaur look bigger to ward off other predators.

Since its original discovery, several fossil specimens of this dinosaur have been found in parts of Oklahoma, Texas and Utah. Tracks of this dinosaur have also been found in parts of Texas. An interesting fact is that these tracks that not only proved that this dinosaur was a fierce and agile hunter, but that it was also fairly fearless and would hunt some of the larger sauropod species. Something that therapods aren’t known for doing.

The battle begins!

On a desert,a Spinosaurus needed water,and he found an ocean,but next to the ocean,there was an Acrocanthosaurus,the Spino warned the Acro to get away from the ocean,but Acro quiclky rushed to him and bit him in the leg ,the Spino slashed him,the Acro bit him in the Spine,the Spino slashed him in the neck and stabbed him in the eyes,but Acro ripped the Spino's hand,leaving huge wound,he lost a lot of blood,but then Spino had an idea,he pushed Acro,making him falll down,and he dragged him in the ocean,Acro and Spino quickly went deep in to the water,and they had an ocean battle,the Spino had the advantage,Acro lost a lot of blood,they slashed each other,they bit each other,minutes after the ocean battle,Acro's body floated to the surface,but Acro was dead,then Spino bumped the dead body,then the dead body and the Spino were at land,the Spino ate the dead body.


Reason:He had bigger claws,he could walk on land and swim in the ocean,and he was bigger and faster.

5 Responses to Spinosaurus Vs. Acrocanthosaurus (EDB Part.5)


VelociraptorMember1789 XPSep-20-2019 8:07 AM


Spinosaurus wins! YAY

Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.

Kamoebas V.6

StegosaurusMember765 XPSep-20-2019 8:11 AM

GmkGoji,im double posting,so get ready to see Torvosaurus battle Saurophaganax


VelociraptorMember1789 XPSep-20-2019 8:39 AM


Zwei Wing is the best singing duo. Change my mind.


VelociraptorMember1630 XPSep-20-2019 9:38 AM

Nice fight

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


BrachiosaurusMember1449 XPSep-20-2019 9:44 AM

Yaaay! Rootin' for Spino.

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!
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