Jurassic World 3
EDB is dead...

EDB is dead...

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Ganimes V.8

TriceratopsMember328 XPOct-27-2019 8:41 AM

Im sorry but i can't make it,i don't have the time,i have to study in school and im working on Gamera Chronicles,so say bye to EDB.

If you didn't know EDB Season 2 is cancelled.

I hope you guys understand why i can't make EDB Season 2.

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

9 Responses to EDB is dead...


VelociraptorMember1630 XPOct-27-2019 11:22 AM

Eh yeah, it's fine. I haven't done a fight in a couple months because of school, Godzilla E, Zilla V.S. Rodan, and just living up to my name. Not like I'm cancelling them or anything, though. Just postponing for a few more months. Once Zilla V.S. Rodan is finished, I might go back to making fights every once in awhile. Once Godzilla E is finished, fights will probably take up more of my time. 

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Ganimes V.8

TriceratopsMember328 XPOct-27-2019 11:28 AM

Sorry for not making EDB Season 2

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019


VelociraptorMember1630 XPOct-27-2019 11:43 AM

It's fine, no worries.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.

Ganimes V.8

TriceratopsMember328 XPOct-27-2019 11:59 AM

Should i put MechaGamera in Gamera Chronicles Chapter 2?

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019


VelociraptorMember1630 XPOct-27-2019 12:20 PM

Already answered that on the other topic.

If people weren't lazy, we wouldn't try to be efficient. If we weren't efficient, we'd never get anything done.


StegosaurusMember968 XPOct-28-2019 9:24 AM

What was EDB? (As in, what did it stand for?)

Ganimes V.8

TriceratopsMember328 XPOct-28-2019 9:26 AM

Oh,EDB meant Epic Dinosaur Battles,it was series of battles beetween Dinosaurs,it only lasted 1 Season.

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019


StegosaurusMember968 XPOct-28-2019 9:31 AM

Oh, man. R.I.P, then. That series was awesome. I remembered seeing some of them, and they were awesome. R.I.P.

Ganimes V.8

TriceratopsMember328 XPOct-28-2019 9:37 AM

Just for people who knew what EDB was:

Old Memories

"I hope,one day,i will go to the U.S.A..."

Ganimes V.8,December 10th 2019

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