Jurassic World 3

Spinosaurus was NOT an aquatic pursuit predator!

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TriceratopsMember202 XPJan-26-2021 7:37 PM

In case it wasn't obvious...

At least I never thought it pursued fish in the water.

The comparisons to crocodilians stand to reason that it couldn't have chased fish. 

Hunting fish in the shallows or on the shore has always been the likelier behaviour.

The fact that it has been directly referenced in even "Bigger than T.rex" to hunt like a brown bear or a stork makes this more of a wake-up call to people who think Spinosaurus' hunting behaviour was basically a rapid submarine with a mouth and sail was wrong, and that what we thought before was correct.

Main news article: https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/spinosaurus-may-not-have-been-a-fearsome-aquatic-predator-but-more-like-a-giant-stork/

Scientific article:  https://palaeo-electronica.org/content/2021/3219-the-ecology-of-spinosaurus 

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

4 Responses to Spinosaurus was NOT an aquatic pursuit predator!


CompsognathusMember98 XPJan-28-2021 4:51 AM

That's really interesting. I'm really fascinated by the whole spinosaurus family (Spino, Baryonyx,Suchomimus,ETC). 

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." -Walt Disney


CompsognathusMember11 XPJan-29-2021 1:12 AM

Is that true?

examples of dissertation methodology


CompsognathusMember15 XPFeb-22-2021 3:14 AM

thanks my issue has been fixed.



AllosaurusMember3193 XPMar-18-2021 2:55 PM

People might try to argue the tail was meant for pursuit, when it was probably for swimming

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

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