Jurassic World 3
Spinosaurus: Quadrupedal or Bipedal? (Which one do you like more?)

Spinosaurus: Quadrupedal or Bipedal? (Which one do you like more?)

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Die-hard Spino Fan

TriceratopsMember486 XPMar-29-2021 10:44 AM

The quadruped or biped Spinosaurus debate has been going on for a long time. It all started when Ibrahim et al, a now famous paleontologist, made a discovery and a revelation. He found shortened hind limbs of a Spinosaurus Aegypticus and made the conclusion that Spinosaurus Aegypticus was quadrupedal. Most Spinosaurus fanboys (including me) at first refused to believe that this was true. We wanted Spinosaurus to be 25 feet tall, 60 feet long, and over ten tons. We wanted it to be able to kill a T-rex. But no. I grew accustomed to this new Spinosaurus look and accepted it. Although I still miss the old bipedal Spinosaurus, the quadrupedal one is just as good (at catching fish). Although I do not agree to the premise that based on ONE pair of hind legs that all Spinosauruses are quadruped. That Spinosaurus could have had a deformity, just like how some humans do. But, the quadruped Spinosaurus is most likely true.

Which SPinosaurus do you like better? The quadruped one? Or the bipedal one?

(Also, I am going to be posting the first chapter of an alternate JP universe before the end of April. This universe has INGEN making a genetically engineered dinosaur in response to most other world powers making their own. And they are using them for military purposes. There is still the failure of Jurassic Park and Jurassic World in this universe. I hope you enjoy when it comes out!)

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993
5 Responses to Spinosaurus: Quadrupedal or Bipedal? (Which one do you like more?)


AllosaurusMember3193 XPMar-29-2021 2:25 PM

Quadruped. It is more interesting scientifically, and even though it might not look as cool or something it’s fascinating. Plus nature often does unexpected things. 

Please Excuse me debunking anti-quadruped myths:

Myth - Dinosaur arms are not made to support that weight.

Explanation - The T. rex’s tiny arms are able to lift one ton. This doesn’t prove the spinosaurus was stronger but it shows that it doesn’t mean that that reasoning is correct

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Die-hard Spino Fan

TriceratopsMember486 XPMar-29-2021 6:26 PM

I thought that the structure of the Spino’s arms were too nimble to support that weight. I know it was strong enough. Correct me if I am wrong.

That is one big pile of shit - Ian Malcom, 1993


BrachiosaurusMember1449 XPApr-13-2021 2:59 PM

Quad all the way. To me, it looks a heck of a lot more interesting than just basically a croc-mouthed standard theropod with a sail.

haha hot takes--

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!

Kamoebas V.6

CompsognathusMember23 XPApr-13-2021 3:02 PM

Hot take,Quadrupedal Spino is a disgrace jk jk jk jk


AllosaurusMember4465 XPApr-13-2021 3:10 PM

I kind of like the quadrupedal spinosaurus, it looks both alien and a dinosaurs attempt to become a crocodile

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