Jurassic World 3

Some of My “Far Out” Ideas about Dinosaurs

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AllosaurusMember3193 XPMay-24-2021 10:01 AM

Dinosaurs are cool animals that we don’t know much about. And I am prepared to help fill in the gaps of our knowledge with my strange and stupid ideas, here they are.

1. Spinosaurus was venomous. Yes recent Studies show that for no reason spinosaurus was venomous, It’s venom producing glands were in its sail and it used venom to kill Carcharadontosaurus (definitely spelled that wrong.)


2. T. rex could Fly! Yes! In light of the “recent” discovery that dinos could glide, I envision the T. rex have long feathers on its legs and feet and would fly onto unsuspecting prey. 

3. The Swarm. In this theory the Compys are able to stack together to create giant pillars of compys to scare predators. 

That’s all my weirdness for now.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

36 Responses to Some of My “Far Out” Ideas about Dinosaurs


BrachiosaurusMember1449 XPSep-02-2021 8:29 PM

yes exactly

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


BrachiosaurusMember1332 XPSep-03-2021 4:59 AM


Burrowing raptors? 

Excavaraptors Confirmed!

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


BrachiosaurusMember1332 XPSep-03-2021 5:30 AM

Also, recent studies on pterosaurs indicate that whenever they appeared, they were accompanied by a funky, 70s styled soundtrack.


Like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXCt17EXv5w 

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


BrachiosaurusMember1449 XPSep-03-2021 6:33 AM




Beipiaosaurus was actually a dromaeosaur, not a therizinosaur like we thought, that just lost all its sharp raptor teeth and sickle claw

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!


AllosaurusMember3193 XPSep-03-2021 8:19 AM

Brachiosaurus were actually highly adapted pterosaurs. The hunting by flinging smaller dinosaurs high into the air and eating them when the splatted.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


BrachiosaurusMember1449 XPSep-03-2021 10:09 AM

dear lord i kinda wanna draw that-

i've officially left. thanks for the memories!
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