I was watching some of the trailers and a random line stuck out to me. It said we are on the verge of extinction.
I wonder if this could be a plot thing. That humanity is going extinct because of the dinosaurs. I thought maybe the mosasaurus reproduced and there are more, making fishing and delivering food like rice so much harder and expensive. With dinosaurs attacking cities and whatnot, Maybe?
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

Extinction? Don't we have advanced Weapons? Why would we be on the verge of extinction?

Yeah the prehistoric creature that threatened mankind was freakin insects and not any of the dinosaurs. Seriously I would have taken more hybrids over super locusts

Why not the humans just use their tanks, and 50 cal bullets to kill the dinosaurs and use a lot of bug spray in some kind of cement truck and spray it all over the insects?

Xenotaris Agreed, It is just insects that ate the crops and wheat. It isn't really the dinosaurs who threatened humanty.

Cool Godzilla
I don't approve of killing off dinosaurs especially with excessive force like a tank. Because in the end they are other ways to deal with them since they are animals after all and not monsters to be slain.
However if they would have continued the hybrids different story since the hybrids were bred to be weapons of war.

Oh yeah, I probably watch too many ww2 documentaries and battle scenes. They are by the way nature and were extinct by nature. Sorry for saying that, just my love of war. " However if they had continued the hybrids different story since the hybrids were bred to be weapons of war ": Including the Indoraptor?

The Indominus rex was a prototype
The Indoraptor shown was a near-finished testing prototype
The Indoraptor that were supposed to be raised by Blue were going to be the final product.
Any hybrids after those would be given specialized production lines