Cool Godzilla
AllosaurusMember2112 XPSep-01-2022 3:34 AMWhat is your favorite dinosaur? Vote the dinosaur that you love most and tell me why you love it s much. My favorite dinosaur in JWD is the obvious ones, Blue and Rexy. While my other favorite dinosaurs include Lil Blue, Allosaurus, and the Giganotosaurus.
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

Cool Godzilla
AllosaurusMember2112 XPSep-03-2022 5:30 PMNascar you didn't ruin the peace, you were just asking questions about why I'm so addicted to history until I carelessly put it on my banner without realizing it. So, it's not your fault for asking questions, especially when we are going 100% off-topic.
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

AllosaurusMember4465 XPSep-06-2022 6:28 PMOh yeah the Moros

BrachiosaurusMember1152 XPSep-09-2022 11:23 AMiguanodons missing to.
"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"

Cool Godzilla
AllosaurusMember2112 XPSep-09-2022 6:20 PMErlikosaurusIsCool420 and Xenotaris do you mean by Moro intrepidus and I didn't know there were these dinosaurs in the movie.
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

Cool Godzilla
AllosaurusMember2112 XPSep-09-2022 6:22 PMmonsterzero9, there were Iguanodons?! I guess I didn't pay attention to the movie. Sorry, I'll add it.
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

AllosaurusMember4465 XPSep-09-2022 7:01 PMThe Moros were the tiny feathered tyrannosauroids that briefly make an appearance at the BioSyn Sanctuary and at the end where one is playing with a little girl

BrachiosaurusMember1152 XPSep-09-2022 9:31 PMI dont blame you. they were usually in the background anyways. even frontier didn't include them in jwe2.
"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"

Cool Godzilla
AllosaurusMember2112 XPSep-12-2022 12:34 AMXenotaris OK, Thanks for the info monsterzero9 Thanks for understanding.
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

Cool Godzilla
AllosaurusMember2112 XPOct-13-2022 11:59 PMI wish Jurassic World could continue, even though It was worse than Jurassic Park, I still miss seeing the characters on the big screen. :(
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

Cool Godzilla
AllosaurusMember2112 XPOct-13-2022 11:59 PMI wish Jurassic World could continue, even though It was worse than Jurassic Park, I still miss seeing the characters on the big screen. :(
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

AllosaurusMember4465 XPOct-14-2022 12:38 AMThey'll continue it since they made alot of money at the box office

Cool Godzilla
AllosaurusMember2112 XPOct-14-2022 8:24 PMIt will? But people say that is the last movie. I always believed it was just a new era but then later I only realize that it was really the last movie. But for now, we'll see if JW can really continue. :/
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

AllosaurusMember4465 XPOct-14-2022 8:29 PMwell the closest thing we have to see a new movie is Trevorrow saying if the movie is successful he'll make another movie. To be honest, Dominion doesn't even feel like a final movie

Cool Godzilla
AllosaurusMember2112 XPOct-14-2022 8:38 PMOh ok, wait...Why is the time 8:29 pm? Does the time refer to another country's time?
As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.

AllosaurusMember4465 XPOct-14-2022 10:49 PMProbably