Jurassic World 3

Super soon.

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TriceratopsMember331 XPApr-15-2023 7:57 PM

Okay so, an update on April so right now or most likely next month, I'll make Sauroniops vs Shunosaurus ( If I can until boredom catches up ) I have more things to do than make topics on Scified, mostly dinosaur fights.

4 Responses to Super soon.


AllosaurusMember4429 XPApr-16-2023 3:41 AM



Cool Godzilla

AllosaurusMember2112 XPApr-24-2023 3:12 AM

Welcome Back, can't wait for more dino rumbles.

As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.


TriceratopsMember331 XPFeb-07-2024 4:32 AM

I'm very very not interested in making more fights, I don't know if I'll come back.

Cool Godzilla

AllosaurusMember2112 XPApr-01-2024 1:13 AM

It's fine. Like me, I got bored and didn't log in for about a year I think

As long as we set a goal and we are determined to achieve our passions and goals, our determination is limitless.
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