I know some of you are desperate to be right, but you guys simply cannot accept the facts that spinosaurus was not a weak animal and was in fact actually probably quite strong in terms of snout, and was certainly more solid in this regard than carcharodontosaurus. You guys do not see the facts and only think that spinosaurus' snout was not very strong because "it wass sow mutch smaler in hight and widthe then carcarodontasaurus!" This is wrong! I cannot stress that enough.
By comparing the snouts of carcharodontosaurus and spinosaurus, there is so much that you guys are overlooking. All of the characteristics in spinosaurus point to a high capacity to grip, especially more-so than in carcharodontosaurus. These important characteristics include:
More heavily-constructed rostrum in spinosaurus (it was more compact and was characterized by particularly higher density
Rostrum that, along with its more impressive density and build, was simply better adapted for multidirectional resistance. This flows into the point about a much lessened risk of injury in such gripping; spinosaurus' snout was simple so much better designed for gripping without stress fracturing occurring
Balanced dimensions (this flows into my previous point)
Conical teeth (designed for piercing and gripping, not killing)
Simply compare the two animals' snouts, because I am sick of all this "yoo hav no proofs" crap: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101003190116/archosauria/images/e/e2/Skulls2.png
This is so interesting because of how funny it is to read now. Must've been a blast to be a part of this.
Oh trust me, it most certainly was! Almost the first thing I'd do everyday after class is go directly onto the JP forums to see what may have sparked a debate/ flame war XD