What is your favorite dinosaur? Vote the dinosaur that you love most and tell me why you love it s much. My favorite dinosaur in JWD is the obvious ones, Blue and Rexy. While my other favorite dinosaurs include Lil Blue, Allosaurus, and the Giganotosaurus.

If you haven't watched do not see this!

You can just type the other favorite dinosaurs you like, too bad the settings only allow us to vote 1 time.

Honestly, I would probably have to pick Parasaurolophus, mainly because it's one of my favorite dinosaurs and the new designs were amazing. I also really liked the Moros intrepidus, it was pretty cute and I really hope that it gets added to JWE2 soon.

I really liked the Pyroraptor, however WHY. ISN'T. THE. DILOPHOSAURUS. HERE?!

How about we just take one of the unpicked ones, like Lil Blue, and just pretend it says Dilophosaurus.
Also i kinda liked blue was like only at the beginning and end of the movie

Xenotaris Ah, very sorry. I'll add it, you don't need to be that angry. I just forgot about that dino. HinikunaGoji Thanks for understanding but don't worry I'll add it.

Xenotaris There, it has been added! :)

Crap I already voted for Pyroraptor before the dilophosaurus was present

Cool Godzilla
I wasn't mad, I was playing around but yeah I made a booboo and already voted

Allosaurus cause he is my favorite Dinosaur. Also i hate Blue and all the dinosaurs that are named lool.
Cool Godzilla
Also what is your addiction with the Roman Empire? I mean you may be italian but that is super unprobable.

The picture on this topic and his profile pictures are the SPQR (Senatus PopulusQue Romanus) or rather Senate and the People of Rome for the english

Cool Godzilla isnt italian, their name is Lim Chen Xi.
But like whats wrong with being interested in rome, i know serveral people interested in that part of history

Buddy i said he may be, when he doesn't speak english he speaks malayisian. I never said it's wrong, i love Italy a lot and Romania (my country) has the most immigrants there haha. I also really love the Italian Empire.

And they have my favorite car company and my 3rd favorite car company there so i really shouldn't have a problem.

Lim Chen Xi is not a malayisian name from what i know, it sounds Chinese.
Chinese name, speaking malayisian and having the empire of rome in their pfp? Mr. EURASIA

Lim chen xi is a chinese name.
How do you know they speak malay?

The Roman Empire was the most powerful empire in human history beside the English Empire

Nascar OK, calm down. Again very sorry, maybe it was a bad idea to put the roman empire banner as a picture here. Also, you are right and wrong, I am a Malaysian but I am Chinese bro, I only speak good English. I am not Eurasian.

Xenotaris Sorry, maybe I should have put the Dilophosaurus earlier. Yes, you are quite correct with the part that the Roman empire was a powerful empire.

Hinikuna, yes you are right. I am so addicted to history, 40% of what I watch on youtube are history documentaries. To prove, I know that in the Greco-Persian war, King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans defended against more than 20000 soldiers and ultimately killed 95% of the 20000 Persians. Well until a betrayer of Leonidas told a secret route to the Persians where they could shoot arrows from the behind of the spartan unbreakable phalanx and the spartan's army got defeated...wait, this subject is probably going of topic.

There, changed it and the battle I said is called The Battle of Thermopylae.

it wasnt a bad idea to make that profile something you are passionate about, so do not feel sorry.
you just confused Nascar

Im not being rude, i love Italy and know lots about history here in europe and the AMERICAS

Honestly you did a really bad job explaining what happened or whatever, i clearly was just asking a question and then you started acting as if i just assumed he was italian (I used a probability) and also started saying i thought it was wrong to like italy.
Also sorry if that came out as rude but everyone here on this site bring up irrational stuff then start passing it off as that. Same when there is a question then you guys bring up random trivia from the same topic as the question and start passing it off as the truth. It happened with the Big Baddy of GvK topic which was basically SasquaDash believing that CoD Easter egg was the villain.
You guys should start to learn how to understand what someone is saying.

And also i asked why is it the roman empire because ok i understand as a PFP. But why use it as a picture for an unrelated topic.

You know what im gonna leave the discussion forums alone since i seem to be breaking the peace.

Nascar Dude, I already change the banner. Yes, It was an unrelated topic.

Hinikuna, no It was a bad idea to put the roman empire flag causing a total misunderstanding and argument that shouldn't be starting if I had put the real topic banner.

Cool Godzilla
No problem you can be happy now, i love Italy and their history too.